
Emily Simms reveals the dark side of The Bachelor mansion.

After walking off the show last week after being left in the bottom two during a controversial rose ceremony, The Bachelor’s Emily Simms has revealed that she had to move in with her parents after filming the show left her “emotional fragile”.

Simms – who has been type-cast as this season’s villain and labelled a ‘princess’ by her fellow contestants – has often taken to Instagram throughout the season to criticise the shows producers, saying that she has been unfairly portrayed.

Simms also suggested that alcohol was readily available in the mansion and that there was a lack of food.

“We would be standing there for more than an hour, drunk and in painful shoes. Often, we would be hungry and just desperate to go to bed but then we’d be told to go upstairs, put our pyjamas on so they could film another scene,' she told The Herald Sun.

However this was denied by host, Osher Gunsberg.

After her departure last Thursday, Simms was reportedly banned from talking to the media, telling Kyle and Jackie O that the producers didn't like how honest Simms has been about what goes on behind the scenes.

Read More: Emily from The Bachelor blasts the show's producers.

"I've been told that I've been outspoken and I don't think I've been outspoken. I am who I am and it is annoying to see things out there about me that plain and simply are untrue and I probably do have a very strong urge to defend myself and defend my loved ones which sometimes backfires," she said.

When last week's rose ceremony saw Emily in the bottom two with Nina, who has been pegged as her rival throughout the season, Emily walked off. After the episode aired, Emily admitted that she had been "blind drunk" when she left after Sam Wood had told her she was highly strung.

After Bec Chin left the show, Simms wrote a heartfelt Instagram post to her newfound friends, saying, "I don't think I would have made it through this whole crazy experience without you. you've been my rock, my defender, my soul sister! I definitely feel I've won here, because I have you in my life. Same goes for all of my other Bachie girls that I love."

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GALLERY: The 2015 Bachelorettes.

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