
Police were called to investigate the Queen for breaking the law. There's just one problem.

Here at Mamamia, we strongly believe in safety first.

But we couldn’t help but chuckle after a concerned citizen of London dobbed the Queen in for not wearing her seat belt on her way to Wednesday’s State Opening of Parliament.

The BBC reported the West Yorkshire Police department received a 999 emergency call after Her Majesty was allegedly seen without a secured seat belt travelling to Westminster with Prince Charles in a black town car.

There’s no doubt not wearing a seat belt is dangerous, and it should not be done under any circumstances.

By law, drivers and passengers in the UK ‘must wear a seat belt if one is fitted in the seat you are using’, an offence which carries a hefty fine of up to £500 (AU$840).

However, the WYP department have stressed calling emergency services should be preserved for just that, emergencies.

"I cannot stress enough that the 999 number is for emergencies only," a WYP spokesperson told the BBC, adding the force typically received more than 1,000 emergency calls a day.

While we appreciate the caller's diligence in observing both road rules and the Queen's safety, unfortunately the 91-year-old is above criminal proceedings according to UK law.

And judging by the cheeky spark in her eye, we're betting there's a good chance she knows it.

It appears Her Majesty was in a particularly rebellious mood on Wednesday, as this was not the only 'rule' she broke during the day's proceedings.

The Queen shunned her gold carriage, royal jewels and crown for a decidedly low-key look, complete with a European Union-coloured hat, which was 100 per cent a Brexit political statement coincidence. Even the police noticed her streak of sassy behaviour.

Personally, we're loving Liz's new 'tude and can't wait to see what she does next.

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