
The rules every parent should know about kids' play dates.

Thanks to our brand partner, Combantrin®


Play dates are great for kids. They get to hang out with their mates away from kinder, school and structured activities. Playing with friends also teaches kids how to share, compromise and negotiate – all skills that will come in handy as they grow up. Parents can be slightly less enthusiastic about the prospect of a play date because it’s easy for them to descend into chaos and carnage. Luckily there are some simple ways to keep the experience fun, safe and hassle-free.

1. Stick to a set time.

As a parent of two young boys, I’m pretty much 20 minutes late for everything. You know how it goes, you’re halfway out the door and one kid needs the loo while the other can’t find their shoes. I’m not saying you have to be bang on time for every play date but try not to be an hour late. Also, don’t linger. If your kid starts getting tired and grumpy, it’s time to hightail it out of there before Mt Tantrum erupts.

2. If your kid is sick, reschedule.

Has your child woken up with green snot, conjunctivitis or a runny tum? Keep them home and don’t share the germs. Play date hosts would rather have you cancel at the last minute than BYO boogers. I know kids get major cabin fever if they’re stuck at home but there will be plenty of time for play dates once they recuperate.

3. Bring a plate.

If your kids are little and not ready for a ‘drop and go’ play date, it’s a good idea to bring a plate of food to make catering easier for the host. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, the ol’ chip and dip will suffice. If you’re dropping your kid off and making a mad dash for freedom, offer to bring some food along for the kids. The host will probably tell you not to worry but they’ll appreciate the offer.

4. Stick to healthy snacks.

I don’t want to sound like the food police here but if you’re hosting or bringing a plate, try to avoid sugary snacks. Kids who load up on sugar are far less likely to eat their lunch/dinner when they get home and it can send them a tad cray-cray. If my kids go to a play date and there’s bowl of lollies next to a tray of carrots and cheese, they aren’t reaching for the carrots and cheese.

5. Separate pets and kids.

If you have animals, it’s a good idea to keep them away from the kids – for the safety of both parties. Your child might be comfortable around pets and know how to approach them, but the same might not go for their playmates. When we have friends around for a play, I always put our dog outside. My kids are used to having him lick their cheeks, but other kids might not fancy a face full of saliva.

6. Be prepared for worms.

We love our kids to share their toys and snacks but we’re not overly keen on them sharing worms. Worms are contagious so it’s common for them to spread during play dates. Don’t stress, worms are a normal part of growing up and can be easily treated with Combantrin. If your child does leave a play date with takeaway threadworm, make sure you treat the whole family with Combantrin to prevent reinfestation. In no time your little one will be worm free and ready to head to their next play date.

7. Clean up.

Kids can cause a fair amount of mess when they get together. No host likes being left with toys littered throughout their house, biscuits crumbs on the couch and a sink full of dirty dishes. If you hang around for the play date, always help clean up. If you ‘drop and go’, teach your kids to clean up their mess before they leave.

8. Always reciprocate.

If you’re invited over for a play date at someone’s house, return the favour. It’s an unwritten rule among mother’s groups that you take turns at hosting play dates. Yes, it can be painful to watch your home morph from tidy to rubbish tip but it’s part of the parenting package. So lock in a date, update your home and contents insurance and brace yourself.

Play dates are a great opportunity for your kids to enjoy fun times with their friends. Make them an enjoyable experience for everyone by ensuring you and your kids are healthy, thoughtful and polite.

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Combantrin®.

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