
The millennials guide to mastering the unsexy task of insuring your Instagram worthy life.

No doubt you’ve got big plans for 2018 and getting your all your insurance policies in check probably isn’t one of them. While it can be yawn, it’s also extremely important.

But where do I start? We hear you say. Save yourself the headache, we’ve put together your bible to insurance in 2018.

Health Insurance

There comes a time in millennials life when you finally have to break free from the family health insurance policy and take out your own.

If your 25th birthday is fast approaching, then it’s time to think about taking out your own singles policy because once you hit this golden age, you’re no longer considered a dependant of your parents by insurers.

Keep in mind though that with some policies, you can be kicked off the family policy before 25 depending on whether you’re a student, working full-time and your marital status.

Top four tips when looking for Health Insurance:

  1. Choose extras that suit your lifestyle such as physio if you’re into sport
  2. Make sure you aren’t paying for things you are unlikely to need, such as cardiac surgery or joint replacements
  3. Avoid taking out the cheapest policy as often you can end up costing you more should need to claim
  4. Take out your cover before you turn 31, if you wait you’ll have to pay more due to Lifetime Health Cover Loading.

A great place to start is to compare a few funds side-by-side to give you an idea of what your options are. The iSelect health insurance comparison tool makes this job easy.

Travel Insurance

Whether you’re taking a gap year or off on a girl’s trip– if you’re planning a year of adventure in 2018 then make sure travel insurance is at the top of your holiday to-do list.

Travel insurance provides cover for a variety of travel related mishaps such as medical emergency, lost or stolen luggage, and flight delays and cancellations.

Top four tips for choosing the right Travel Insurance:

  1. Get unlimited overseas hospital cover – This will cover you for things such as an extended hospital stay or an airlift to the nearest hospital
  2. Declare pre-existing medical conditions – Be honest on your application otherwise you could void your policy
  3. Consider paying more to insure valuables – Check how much the policy pays out for loss of things like luggage, cash and electronics
  4. Cover any risky sport – Sky-diving? Jet skiing? Make sure you’re covered for these specific activities to avoid footing the bill if something goes wrong

Contents Insurance

Even if you’re renting, contents insurance should be on your ‘to keep’ or ‘to get’ list for insurance in 2018. While you may not own the property, chances are your most valuable material possessions are kept there every day – think laptops, bikes, cameras and jewellery.

Renters Contents Insurance provides you financial protection against damage and loss to the personal items in your rental home that your landlord may not be responsible for.

If you are however a home owner, then Home and Content insurance is must have.

Car Insurance

Young and new drivers generally face stiff premiums when they take out car insurance for the first time.

The good news is, you can minimise your premiums by keeping a clean driving record, shopping around to find yourself the best value policy or even installing a QBE Insurance Box to pay premiums based on how you drive.


Top four tips for choosing the right Car Insurance:

  1. Compare quotes – get estimates from at least three different insurers
  2. Look for insurers that specialise in policies for young drivers
  3. Choose a safe, economical car – the more expensive your vehicle, the more costly your car insurance is likely to be
  4. Install an appropriate safety device e.g. immobiliser, alarm and this may qualify you for a discount

Pet Insurance:

We all love to pamper our pets but the reality is that animals, just like human beings, require medical attention and check-ups from time to time. We encourage all pet owners to consider pet insurance an essential part of pet ownership.

The big wide world of insurance can often be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! Comparing insurance policies online at iSelect makes it a lot easier to compare and choose the right policy for your needs and budget. Or if you need further advice, one of our friendly consultants can help you out on over the phone.

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Top Comments

Guest 6 years ago

"Make sure you aren’t paying for things you are unlikely to need, such as cardiac surgery or joint replacements"

Bad advice - you're expecting laypeople to understand what they are "unlikely" to need. Whilst young people don't tend to need joint replacements for wear and tear of old age, trauma or congenital problems may necessitate that sort of surgery. Ditto, heart disease: young people don't tend to have the same pathology as older people, but they are not unknown to need cardiac surgery. Unless you're opting out of covering conditions you can entirely prevent (e.g. pregnancy), you will always run the risk of not being covered for something that may well crop up without warning.