real life

Domestic violence. Which of these ads is the most effective?

We’ve heard the statistics before and yet, each time I hear them, they’re no less shocking.  According to White Ribbon Australia, one in three Australian women over the age of 15 have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence at some time in their lives. And I have no doubt  it’s true. I have no doubt because I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t had an experience – at some point in their lives – when they’ve felt physically unsafe because of a man.  (And yes, it’s important to acknowledge that men are also the victims of domestic violence but the majority of victims are overwhelmingly women).

So. Last week these three completely different community service announcements about violence against women came across our desk. Watch them and then tell us which one you think is the most effective …


What do you think? Which is the most effective?

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Amanda 11 years ago

I think the third one is most effective, high impact followed by a simple message about how to get help, the first one offers no real message about how to get help.

Pulitzer Potentate 12 years ago

I would have thought that any person who was well would think that it is disgustingly sexist. Clearly MISANDRIST.

Is there anyone here who denies that females perpetrate Domestic Violence? Even feminists agreed that females perpetrate Domestic Violence against MEN. In their first ever foray into this field they presented “evidence” that men perpetrated 98% of Domestic Violence. The evidence was drawn from a SLOP (Self-selecting Listener Opinion Poll). This is utterly unreliable but since it agrees with the feminist notion that men are evil and females would be better off without men around (except in Pink Ghettos) then it is treated as gospel. So if 2% of men suffer from Domestic Violence, what are you females trying to do to bring attention to their plight? NOTHING. Doesn’t that make you liars and hypocrites when you scream for equality? Doesn’t that make you female chauvinist pigs by your own definition? Well it’s only 2 percent. The number of females with eating disorders doesn’t even make 0.02% yet huge resources should be thrown at them. They are females after all.

This is in the face of the fact that EVERY non feminist piece of research from EVERY first world occidental country shows the same thing. Females are more violent to men than the reverse. I draw your attention to the Heady Report 1999 done in Australia. Or the Melbourne Age Newspaper in 1985 that showed for every 12 females reporting for Domestic Violence there were 7 men and the injuries to the men were more sever due to a female’s tendency to use a weapon. And that’s just physical violence. Females far outstrip men in the psychological and emotional Domestic Violence.

These videos remind me of a few incidents. I was living in a town house and a young couple with a baby were next door. I could hear her screaming at him. What I picked up was that he had had some fun with another female while at a party. This was clearly unforgivable. I could not hear him at all. I heard an almighty slap and her screaming do you feel that? And again another one and again Do You Feel THAT. And again and again. I tried to record it but the tape just came out with all background noise.

Another hilarious incident was on Today Tonight. There was this female whinging that she would never go to the police again and the police can’t be trusted etc. She had photos of bruises on her arms. The cops don’t care about Domestic Violence and the Cops CONDONE Domestic Violence. The cops arrested HER. Turns out that her evil man had invoked some ancient law about self defence and he got off. She had attacked him and when he defended himself she called the cops.

I personally had a girlfriend hit me. I told her not to hit me. She hit me again. I said if she hits me again I’ll hit her. She hit me again. I hit her. She didn’t hit me again.

I’m standing in a night club. I get a punch to the upper left arm. I’m instantly thinking Oh oh and I’ve transferred my drink from my right to my left hand and I take a step to the right to get out of range and assess the situation. It’s a Pommie female I recognised from the door coming in. She was being totally obnoxious and on top of that she had that annoying pommie accent which sickens me. I punched her in the upper left arm with the same force. I told her to fk off and stop bothering me. She went and got a bouncer. He thought I must be drunk. I told him it was my first drink and explained the situation. Over his shoulder I mouthed to her FK OFF. She went into Banshee mode and was screaming hysterically. The bouncer took her by the arm and dawdled off.

I have had my bottom pinched. I have had my bottom groped. I have had my bottom slapped. I have had my crotch grabbed. I have had females mauling my upper arms and shoulders. I have had my nipples pinched. I have had my feet stabbed with stilettos. I get bumped into so much by females that whenever I go out I find a good spot out of the way so I am not assaulted. But NOW I have watched that reverse video, the next time a female touches my bum I’m gonna swing round and slap her face just like in the video because that’s what females want. It’s gonna be GREAT. That’s what I would do if it were a man. I must treat females equally under the law. Females have no problem slapping a man’s face. Females demand to be treated equally.

I was watching TV last week and an ad for an upcoming episode of How I Met Your Mother came on. It showed a female punching a man in the face. So what would be the problem if it were the other way around and he punched her in the face and knocked her down? Then I remembered that movie Show Me The Money where a female smashes Tom Cruise in the face. So I take it you want to see more of men slapping and punching females is that right? Well of course not. A female should be able to do anything she likes to a man. We don’t need to have an anti violence against men campaign. We only need to stop violence against females. That’s equality. Any violence against men can be ignored. You females utterly refuse to treat men with the same respect you demand for yourselves.

And you wonder why men don’t want you.

A Man Needs a Female Like a Fish Needs a Lobotomy. The best thing is that you are inculcating the next generation of females. Keep it up. This new technology is going to make a FORTUNE.