
A doctor just answered all of our questions about DNA-based skincare.

Thanks to our brand partner, MyDNA

In 2023, beauty is no longer a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. We have apps that can allow us to virtually try on makeup before we buy it. AI stores that allow us to shop beauty counters without leaving the comfort of our sofa. Hair tools that adjust to our own specific hair type. And now, genetic-based skincare. 

Yes, really.

Offering completely bespoke formulas made specifically for your skin and your concerns, DNA analysis is the future of skincare. And with the rise of highly personalised and customisable skincare, it's becoming more popular than ever. 

Exhibit A: Priceline Know your Skin Genetic Test Kit (powered by myDNA).

So, what exactly is DNA-based skincare? And how do we... reap the benefits of it?

Well, good news. We spoke with Dr Carlotta Petti, PhD. Scientific Director, Nutrigenomics at myDNA, and asked her absolutely ALL of the questions on DNA-based skincare – including the benefits and what's involved. 

Psst... you're going to want to sit down for this.

Ready? Great! Off we go.

Why is DNA-based skincare so popular?

The appetite for DNA-based skincare is growing rapidly. In the last few years, there has been massive advances in the development of technology – particularly in the beauty world, which has "really translated into the ability to provide further customisation and personalisation," shares Dr Petti.

Today's consumers – especially Gen Z – are looking for products that cater to what makes them unique, which is in turn, revolutionising how we take care of our skin.

"Consumers are starting to demand products and services that are really customised to them," she said. "DNA plays a very, very big role in that, because it can provide that extra information to personalise and individualise recommendations."

And it kind of makes sense. Because when you think about it – no two skin types are the same. Everyone has their own personalised set of skin concerns, everyone ages differently and has different skin types.

"When companies produce new products, they want to have the extra edge and try to introduce that next level of personalisation."

Enter: DNA skin analysis.

What does DNA have to do with our skin?

"We all are different from each other," explains Dr Petti. "The reason why we all look different, and behave differently is really in our genes.

"Now, genes can determine things like the colour of our skin, our hair, and so on. But also, genetics influences every aspect of your health – how your body responds to external things, like even foods and nutrients and types of exercise.

"Your genes can also tell you, for example, how your skin is predisposed to ageing, what things are happening in your skin at the molecular level. In the sense of your skin, that can affect the health of your skin."

Dr Petti reveals that genetics can influence up to 60 per cent of how well your skin ages, determining your predisposition towards wrinkles, skin texture and age spots. 

While there are many different lifestyle factors that will impact the way our skin ages, for example "how much sun exposure you have, how much care you give to your skin, how much hydration you have," Dr Petti said.

What is DNA skin analysing and how does it work?

In a short, easy-to-understand/non-science-y way, Dr Petti describes it as a skin test that analyses variations in a person's DNA – certain points that can influence several features of skin health," she explains. 

"For example, how fast your collagen is depleted, or how likely you are to develop more age spots or sunspots."

"Taking the collagen example – collagen is very important. It gives elasticity and maintains a youthful look, because if you don't have collagen, that's when you start developing wrinkles, which is something that happens naturally."

"But there are some points in the DNA that can make you more prone to deplete collagen, faster than other people. Thanks to these published studies and research, we know which parts of the DNA can control the speed of collagen depletion, and therefore the predisposition of a person to develop wrinkles prematurely."

CRAZY. We're literally living *in* the future, you guys.

Based on that, the clinical evidence is able to help steer recommendations for the best products and the best ingredients that can help produce more collagen, and slow down its depletion. 

This means that instead of picking skincare willy-nilly, you have a genetically mapped-out guide of how your skin is ageing and the ideal ingredients to maximise your skin care regime. 

"That's how a personalised routine can be created, based on all this scientific information."

How effective is DNA-based skincare?

"I think DNA-based skincare is the next level of personalised skincare," shares Dr Petti. "It's not just based on what we think will be good for that person but based on what we know that the skin of the person needs."

"Your DNA can tell us where your skin strengths and weaknesses are, and therefore where to focus your efforts; what ingredients you should look for when you choose your skincare products that will help counteract your genetic weaknesses and therefore be proactive about your skin ageing concerns. 

As Dr Petti mentions, the team only selects certain points in the DNA, which are called 'SNPs' – where she says the scientific evidence is of the highest level. 

"That gives us the confidence to say, 'Okay, this person has this genetic profile'. That means, let's say, this person has a predisposition to a fast depletion of the collagen. Based on the evidence, we can actually offer the ingredients that will slow down these effects."

"That's how we can then go into more detail and look at the specific products that brands are offering and then match that with the DNA profile of the person."

"It all goes down to the scientific evidence that gives us all the information about the DNA, basically."

While you can't change the DNA you're born with, Dr Petti reminds us that it will help you really be proactive and know where to focus your efforts in order to counteract things that are written in your DNA.

What kind of process is involved in collecting your DNA?

Good news, there's no blood tests involved. Phew! Actually, it's all pretty straightforward.

If you get your hands on a Know Your Skin myDNA kit, these can be purchased at Priceline for $89 – and are available either online or in-store. After registering online and joining the Priceline Sister Club database, the process is as simple as a cheek swab.

Yep, the old swab! We're pretty dingin' familiar with that! (Thanks, COVID).

You pop the swab in the pre-paid envelope that comes with the kit, chuck it in the mailbox, and it arrives for in-lab testing based in Melbourne.

See? Easy as pie!

Once your swab is with the myDNA scientists, your DNA is then extracted and analysed for genetic variations. 

These results will be sent to you via email. From here, you’ll receive your skin profile and personalised product suggestions, each containing the recommended active ingredients for your skin. 

Based on the results, your skin will fall into one of five categories:

1. Lift + Renew: All about helping to maintain the natural collagen in your skin to keep skin fuller, plumper and youthful-looking.

2. Smooth + Supple: Focusing on the look and feel of your skin, for a soft, even and smooth texture.

3. Clean + Even: Aiming to tackle dullness and dark spots, for a brighter, healthier skin tone.

4. Cover + Care: An all-rounder treatment to tackle the various signs of ageing.

5. Young + Bright: A gentle, holistic approach for clearer, more radiant and healthier-looking skin.

Based on one of these categories, your personalised skin plan will include a weekly skincare routine and specific products that contain the right amount of the key ingredients for you.

Then, you’ll be able to adjust your daily skincare routine with personalised scientific recommendations that help prevent and tackle the signs of ageing.


Who is DNA-based skincare useful for?

According to Dr Petti, everyone can benefit from DNA-based skincare – after all, ageing is a thing every single one of us goes through, regardless of gender or age.

"For example, if you know already that you're going to have a faster depletion of collagen when you hit your 30s, then you can start delaying that process in your 20s. You can still delay when you're in your 40s, but there will already be some effects that have happened."

Is DNA-based skincare the future of beauty?

Yes. The answer is yes. 

"There's definitely an increased interest in the space both from consumers and manufacturers," said Dr Petti. "They are all looking to offer more and more customised experiences to their customers."

Meaning? You can expect to see more of this – so watch this space!

"There's so much more knowledge about DNA, so much more science behind it, that we're sure it's something that will become more and more like a normal daily feature for a lot of products – including skincare.

"The public is becoming more and more aware of the power of DNA information, and more demanding for highly personalised products and services. And that's where DNA-based skincare can really play a role, so I believe that soon we're going to see much more of that happening."

Have you ever heard of DNA-based skincare? Would you try it? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Shop the Know Your Skin myDNA Skin Profile Genetic Kit, exclusive to Priceline.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Feature Image: Getty.

DNA is the future of personalised skincare, myDNA takes into account the genes we’ve inherited. Unlocking your DNA results will help you be more informed about your skin and help take the guesswork out of your unique skincare routine, which is why myDNA is so excited to launch this exclusive partnership with Priceline.
Following your DNA analysis, results will be sent to you via your Sister Club email. You’ll receive your skin profile and personalised skincare routine and product suggestions, each containing the recommended level of active ingredients for your skin. Then, you’ll be able adjust your skincare regime with personalised scientific recommendations that help you make the ideal choices for your skin needs.

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