
'I don't have time to home-make gifts for your baby.'

Thanks to our brand partner, Bankwest

On the list of things that I don’t have time to do, making thoughtful, hand-crafted presents is pretty high.

I have a feeling I am not alone in that, judging by the reaction to the mother who posted this message in the parenting forum Mumsnet.

There are people for whom knocking up a photo collage in a seashell frame, putting together a Pinterest-worthy memory book or a crafting a hand-sewn patchwork quilt, is as effortless as inhaling a wheel of brie.

They’ll fit it in – without an emotional breakdown – between their Class Parent duties, making the paper mache eggplant suit for Fruit and Veggie Week and rolling their own gnocchi.

And then there’s the rest of us. The commenter, above, is one of the rest of us.

The rest of us never have quite the right crafting supplies to do the job properly. There’s no double-sided sticky tape in our lives, not enough stiff cardboard lying around. We can’t sew because we can never, ever find a needle and we’ll carry the memory stick around for eight weeks swearing each day that we will get those photos printed for the album.

The Rest Of Us think that hand-made-gift-requesting-mum is The Devil.

Where do you stand? 

You can listen to the whole episode of This Glorious Mess, here, or download it in iTunes, or the Mamamia Podcast app.

Top Comments

Felicity 8 years ago

Frankly I think it's a bit rude to put in specific requests for gifts full stop.

Kimbo 8 years ago

It annoys me, and it happens on MM a lot, that if someone is 'creative' or makes their own food from scratch, then they are the person who 'has all the time in the world' or they don't have a career or they are weird.........aren't we all about supporting each other?? Stop putting down people who do things differently to you!
I love a quirky story like this & you didn't have to put shit on people who can manage to 'make a present'. It would have been funny & witty if you didn't include that!