
Diners go Oprah and tip their waitress a car.





Here’s a little something to get you into the holiday spirit.

A couple in the US decided to tip their waitress a little more than 10% – they bought her a car instead.

Cindi Grady’s car was not in great shape, and a married couple who were restaurant regulars decided something had to be done.

“I thought it was abandoned actually, it was in such bad shape,” Gary Tackett told local news KOLR10. After discussing it with his wife and talking to staff at the restaurant, the Tacketts decided something needed to be done.

They went back to the restaurant a few weeks later and, after being served by Grady, gave her a used car they had purchased for her.

“It’s not new, but it’s new to you,” Gary Tackett said, as he handed her the keys:


“It restored my faith in humanity,” Grady told KOLR10. “There are good people in the world.”

Watch the touching moment here:


Not quite Oprah, but pretty damn close.


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