
Did I mention drugs are bad? Almost as bad as bad skin.

The government could save a bunch of money on its next anti-drugs campaign. The key to persuading young women to Just Say No is to appeal to their vanity.

No need for an ad agency to sit around coming up with fancy-pants slogans. Just publish pictures of Amy Winehouse like this one.

In fact? I’ve got a whole campaign going after the jump….

*I usually try to avoid posting pictures about Amy Winhouse
because…well, because it’s like watching someone die really slowly.
But if you know someone who might benefit from seeing how badly drugs
can fuck you up? Forward them this…..

Here’s how Amy used to look….

And now…….


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Top Comments

gigdiary 16 years ago

yes, melanie,
'Why, Amy, why?'
"Amy, sometimes sad doesn't come from judgement, sometimes it comes from people who have lived longer than you. They understand beyond 24, or 28. They know their 30s. They know their 40s. John Lennon almost knew his 40s. Many people will know their 40s, 50s, and for those crazy enough for this life, like my parents, they know their 70s and 80s. Jimi Hendrix didn't, Jim Morrison didn't, Janis Joplin barely glimpsed her 27th year.
The rock'n'roll heroes of the 60s were ground-breaking, and left a huge legacy in terms of the music and culture. It is not a sustainable process which should be emulated. Perhaps that is why it is sad. We have been rocking around in this crazy post 60s music world, where era upon era has added to the mystique. From my 70s approach on this, I survived. Keith Richards from the 60s is happily vodka sluicing, joint toking himself well into his 60s, and still performing. Somehow that doesn't lessen my sadness.
Amy, your generation is different. The bastard dope is stronger, it'll kill you sooner. Let us old rockers do what we know best, keep rockin'.
But you need to discover this brave new world of 21st Century music. You aren't here to emulate us old bastards, you're here to write a new book of today's music, to show the way for perhaps the next couple of generations. Amy Winehouse, are you the next Joplin, or the next Ella Fitzgerald perhaps ? In the year 2525, it may not be Zager and Evans they're listening to, it could be you.

Rosie 16 years ago

She is killing herself slowly with drugs. What a waste.