
Demi Moore hasn’t had plastic surgery. Not a jot of it do you hear?

Sigh. I try not to bitch and moan about celebrities because I don’t like snark. I don’t. But sometimes, there is something that just sets off my bullshit meter SO LOUDLY that I cannot not post about it. Hello Demi Moore.

According to press reports today:

HOLLYWOOD star DEMI MOORE has furiously denied her incredibly youthful looks are down to plastic surgery. The actress, 47 this November, is widely believed to have spent more than £200,000 fixing her face and body.

But mum-of-three Demi insisted: “It’s completely false – I’ve never had it done.” The Indecent Proposal star said: “I would never judge those who have. If it’s the best thing for them then I don’t see a problem.

“But I don’t like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process. It’s a way to combat your neurosis. “The scalpel won’t make you happy.” Demi, whose third husband ASHTON KUTCHER is 31, did not rule out ever having surgery. She told a French magazine: “The day I start crying when I look at myself in the mirror might be the day when I’m less adamant about not having it done.

“For now I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look 30.”

Oh come on. COME ON.

I know some of you will say that celebrities don’t owe us anything. That it is their perogative to say whatever they want about their surgery or * cough * lack of it. But there are ways to do this that don’t insult our intelligence.

Kylie Minogue- who has admitted having Botox – has been asked many times about possible surgery and has responded coyly “They’re not called beauty secrets for nothing – I take full advantage of what’s available to me.”

Many other celebrities have been honest about their experiences with Botox etc. And all I’m saying is that you don’t have to lie. By lying (if, indeed, Demi is being less than truthful) then you do none of us any favours. Quite frankly, I think it’s anti-women.

Because when a celebrity claims it’s genetics or sunscreen or laughter or positive thinking that keeps their face and body looking decades younger than any non famous person of the same age…..well, that’s not a service to the sisters now, is it?

I believe every woman gets to choose what they want to do to their own face and body but would a bit of honesty be such a bad thing? Would it Demi?

Some people will also say that botox and fillers are not considered ‘plastic surgery’. They’re just needles, not scalpels. What do you think?


Demi Moore Frockwatch

Anna Bligh admits to Botox

There are discreet ways to admit your face isn’t natural. Thanks Jennifer Anniston.

And open letter to Nicole Kidman

Kylie admits to Botox. World says: really?

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Top Comments

Ellie 14 years ago

I can believe she hasn't had plastic surgery.. after all did you see the way she works out?

Janine 14 years ago

Yup, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Nicole Kidman. They're all full of shit and would have us believe they are just blessed with superior anti-aging genes than the rest of us. It is alienating and not at all sisterly.