
Dawson's Creek was supposed to have a completely different ending.

It would’ve changed our lives.

We all grew up with the Dawson, Pacey, Joey love triangle on Dawson’s Creek during our formative teen years. The trio taught us about love, life and hardships.

And ultimately we all cried and smiled with joy and heartbreak when the season ended. When Jen died we cried for the loss, when Joey and Pacey ended up together we rejoiced in their love.

But it all could’ve ended very differently…

Originally, Joey and Pacey didn’t end up together. Yes, we’re shocked too. The Executive Producer of the show, Paul Stupin spoke at the ATX Television Festival and explained what was originally supposed to happen at the end of Dawson’s Creek.

He said that it was always going to be Dawson who ended up with Joey.

"It was pretty clear to both of us it would probably be she and Dawson,” Stupin said.

Therefore, the first hour of the finale was written by Kevin Williamson who understood that ultimately it was going to end with Joey and Dawson together. However half way through, Kevin decided it just wasn't right.

"Halfway through, Kevin calls me and says, 'you know what? I changed my mind'," Stupin said.

The ending to this series had changed. (Post continues after the video...)

Williamson explained that it was hard when initially Dawson was the obvious answer. But when he thought more about it and wrote in to the first hour of the two-hour finale he realised maybe it wasn't right.

"I just kept going, I don't know. This isn't what the show set up to be...Maybe that's where it started, but it evolved and the show has turned into something else," he said.

So that was it - Pacey and Joey ended up together and Dawson was successful but alone.

What was your favourite moment from Dawson's Creek?

SCROLL THROUGH to see the Dawson's Creek that we remember and love...

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