
We've all been subjected to dad jokes. Now, survivors have spoken out.



Dad jokes.

Most often hilarious for the teller, and painful for the receiver.

But luckily for all of us who has have ever been told “it’s time to get a watch” when innocently enquiring into the time, a video has been made that shows brave kids sharing the best worst dad jokes they’ve been told.

The video was made by Nickelodeon in the lead up to Father’s Day last Sunday, and it is very, very important that all potential and current dads watch it.

(It’s also important that everyone else watch it too, as despite our best efforts not to laugh at them, the jokes are actually hilarious).

Highlights of the video include the dad who asked his son, “Have you heard about the new movie constipation?” only to be told that “it never came out”.

Another delightful joke was the dad who asked his daughter, “How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?” with the answer being “Ten-tickles”.

As in “tentacles”. Get it!?

Once Nickelodeon published the video, they were inundated with comments by those who have also survived their dad’s jokes.

Here are some of the best ones, but just a warning, one of these kid’s father is a little bit more rude than the others:

Dad jokes.

What is the best/worst dad joke you’ve ever heard?

Top Comments

Shadie 9 years ago

Dad jokes are the best!