
Cynthia Nixon's latest film has been hailed 'one of the greatest of all time'.

It’s hard to place Cynthia Nixon as anyone other than Miranda from beloved sitcom, Sex And The City. It’s the role that made her famous, and the role she’ll always be known for, yet Nixon won’t allow herself to be pigeonholed.

In her latest role, Nixon plays Emily Dickinson in a biopic about the reclusive writer’s life.

“Given its themes and the tragic circumstances of Dickinson’s life, “Passion” is a refreshingly humorous work. Its firecracker dialogue is invigorating; the assured, measured compositions are equally compelling,” Michael Pattison from Indiewire reported.

Watch a clip from the film below. Post continues after video. 

Richard Brody, film critic for The New Yorker, and who recently saw the film at the Berlin Fim Festival said, “A Quiet Passion” will take its place as one of his [director,Terence Davies] finest creations, as one of the great movies of the time.”

Now, that’s quite the statement, but he’s not alone. Already Nixon’s performance is generating Oscar buzz. Brody said, “If she’s not nominated for an Oscar in whichever year this movie is released, I’ll eat the pixels.”

Deborah Young from The Hollywood Reporter added, "Nixon undergoes a rather devastating transition from plain Jane youth into ailing adulthood," and Pattison from Indiewire wrote, "Nixon commits to the role to such a degree that we can see this history pulsing through the veins in her neck."

"She is excellent."

'A Quiet Passion' is slated for release in September 2016. 

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