
A little girl explains how her two mums made a baby, and all about the invisible sperm.

Some things in life are difficult to explain.

Politics. Financial institutions. The plot of Star Wars.

But this 7-year-old girl has nailed one topic. “How my two mums had a baby” has never been easier to understand.

Sophia has two mums, and sometimes she has to explain that to people. So she wants to help out others in the same situation.


“If you are a kid with two mums, and you don’t know how to explain it to other kids or people, this is a video of how you can explain it.”

Read more: Condoms helped my lesbian relationship. Who would’ve thought?

Complete with pictures she drew with her very own crayons, Sophia explains everything, from the moment two mummies fall in love, to when they visit the sperm donor.

Or this guy:


She’s pretty cute. And pretty wise. Check out Sophia make complicated look easy:



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