
Meet the woman who did a CrossFit workout - while 36 weeks pregnant.

Most women spend their 36th week of pregnancy resting and preparing for childbirth.

But Jenna Cannon is not like most women.

The fitness devotee was recently filmed doing an impressive CrossFit workout – 36-week-pregnant belly and all.

Check it out for yourself:

The video was shared by her husband Heber Cannon on Instagram and it was also posted on the crossfit Instagram page, and it has already received hundreds of likes and comments. Many of his followers posted messages of support, with tytanium.ty writing “pretty darn impressive”, liftlikelindsey adding “So awesome!!!!! Really proud of her!!!!!! Go mama!” and msjessicae sharing “That is so awesome! I had the easier/fasted labor and recovery doing crossfit with my last baby.” However, some commenters also questioned whether it was safe to do an intense workout while heavily pregnant.

mw.ironaddict asked "Isnt it bad to workout like that while pregnant?" while bjbellis86 simply posted "another example of wtf." So, is working out while pregnant a good idea? The Motherish asked a Sydney midwife, who advised that while starting a new, intense exercise during pregnancy was not ideal, responsibly continuing with your previous routine should be safe.  "With pregnancy and exercise, I usually tell women that it is safe to keep doing whatever they have been doing before they fell pregnant. So if she was doing CrossFit regularly before she was pregnant, that's fine to continue," the midwife said. "I also tell women to listen to their body and that they probably won't be able to do as high intensity as before they were pregnant." is a personal choice - but if it's something you decide to do? Please chat to your doctor first. For the record, Jenna safely delivered her baby shortly after the video was shared.

Congratulations Jenna, and welcome to the world, Finley Cannon, We're guessing he's going to grow up to be one fit kid.

Did you workout while pregnant?

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