true crime

The investigation into the death of Warriena Wright is being officially reopened.

MM: The Coroner will soon decide if he will proceed with an inquest into the death of Wright after re-opening the case.

The Queensland state Coroner has re-opened his investigation into the death of Warriena Wright after she fell from a Surfers Paradise balcony in August 2014.

In October, 30-year-old Gable Tostee was found not guilty of her murder following a two-week trial.

The Wright and Tostee met on a Tinder date on the night of her death.

Speaking to the Sunday Mail, a spokesman for the office of Queensland state Coroner Terry Ryan will review the case before formally deciding whether an inquest into Wright’s death is necessary.

“The Coroner will be reviewing all the documentation before making a decision whether to hold an inquest,’’ a State Coroner’s Office spokesman told The Sunday Mail.

The coroner’s initial investigations into Wright’s death were suspended upon Tosteee being charged.

Now that the trial has ended, the case can re-open.

“A coroner cannot hold an inquest until the finalisation of criminal proceedings. If, from information obtained while investigating a death, a coroner reasonably suspects a person has committed an offence, the coroner must give the information to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

“Any charges are (then) a matter for the DPP.”

According to the Sunday Mail, the coroner is able to hold an inquest if he believes there is doubt about the cause of death or if it will help prevent similar events from occurring again.

Totsee and Wright met on Tinder nearly two years ago and were on a date when an altercation occurred in Tostee’s apartment, which resulted in the 26-year-old woman visiting from New Zealand plummeting to her death.

Audio recorded by Tostee on the night appeared to show the pair fighting and captured Wright’s terrified screams as Tostee allegedly refused to let her go home. She was then locked out on the Surfers Paradise balcony before falling to he death.

Since the verdict was reached, Tostee has appeared on 6o Minutes, penned a lengthy blog post regarding the events of that fateful night and taken part in a Facebook Q&A session about the case.

He has since moved to New Zealand and changed his name to Eric Thomas.

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