
Nine Christmas dilemmas every Facebook parents' group will be talking about.

Christmas is coming. Can you feel it in the air?

The blinker-twinkle lights in each shop window, the excited cry of children as they see that old fella in the red hat, the melodic hum of Mariah Carey Christmas carols. You can’t escape it.

Each and every year like clockwork as November folds into December no matter how hard you try, it’s hard not to get caught up in the festive fever.

Despite the frantic rush to get our shopping done early, the hazy days of the last few weeks of school the impending holidays permeate everything. It’s a familiar all-the-same and yet all-exciting-again feeling. A groundhog day that we groan about and yet we love all the same.

The other thing that’s a bit familiar is the usual round of up conversations that we parents debate at this time each and every year. Whose house are you going to for Christmas/whole turkey or just a breast/hot lunch or cold cuts?

Just try and watch this Christmas ad without crying. Post continues after video...

And these. The top nine things we will be discussing in our Facebook groups in the next few weeks:

1. Do you really have to pitch in for the teacher’s pressie?

The teacher’s pressie is a big thing these days but it isn't without controversy. How much to contribute, is there a set amount? What if you can’t afford it? Who decides on the gift?

If enough parents put in, the teacher could score something from Tiffany (yep, been known to happen) but some parents get a bit miffed at the thought they are expected to contribute.

"What’s wrong with a handmade card from the kids?" They cry. "Why can’t I just make a bag of shortbread and give her that?"

2. The teacher’s pressie itself.

If you do put in to the kitty, and forsake the homemade shortbread, the talk turns to what the dosh will be used for.

Jewellery? Vouchers? A tea cup? If each parents puts in $25 or $30 times that by 25 kids and Mrs Brown gets one fancy tea cup.

3. Putting up the tree too early/too late.

“My kids want to put our tree up” wrote a poster to a large Facebook group… "on November 1."

Cue: Outrage.

The reactions ranged from “You must be kidding talk about building up expectations” to "It's not even November why would you do that..." to a more in the mode of the season answer of "So have we. Fun huh?"

4. Whether or not to lie to your kids about Santa.

There is always one or two in every Facebook group who decide that when it comes to Christmas, honesty is the best policy. But try telling the traditionalists that and there are fireworks.

"Where's the magic?" they cry. "Why destroy the fun?"

Those who choose not to "lie" defend their policy with claims of being true to their kids and not wanting to undermine their trust. You can always guess who they are - their kids are the ones with the wise knowing look in the playground.

5. "Someone told my kids about Santa."

This is going to happen each and every year and often by the kids with those wise knowing looks. Parents then agonise in their public forum whether to fess up or continue the myth...

6. "My child refuses to sit on Santa’s lap."

We’ve all the seen the photos, the child screaming for his mother while a desperate Santa tries to cling on to him so the photo can be just right. It’s a dilemma sure to make it to quite a few parenting forums.

7. To wrap or not to wrap.

Some Santas wrap, some Santas don’t.

Some Santas don’t for reasons of saving money and trees, others don’t wrap because they run out of time! It’s destined to be a Facebook quandary though this Christmas.

8. Grandparents want to give too much/not enough/something that’s inappropriate/something that’s too expensive.

"My parents-in-laws want to buy my one-year-old a Thomas train kit/a diamond tiara/an $800 iPad. Should I tell them it’s too much?"

The responses range from yes accept it/no tell them its too extravagant to think yourself lucky they buy anything at all.

9. The handing out candy canes school dilemma.

Every year this one crops up. It’s a thing that actually surprised me a bit in just how far-reaching it is. Literally. Every. Single. Kid gives every other kid a card and a candy cane at Christmas. With 25 kids in your class, plus friends in other classes – that’s a hell of a lot of candy canes.

Some parents hate it. Some love it and think it’s festive. No matter how you feel it will be sure to be an issue popping up on a Facebook group near you soon.

What topics do you find crop up every Christmas? 

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