
These 90 seconds stopped me in my tracks.

I have a confession.

One of my kids is a very fussy eater.

He’s only two and has makes it his life work to studiously avoid vegetables, and even fruit. We’re a house of salad and veggie eaters, so I don’t think we’re setting him a bad example, but the little man just hates eating anything green (or orange, or yellow, or red). If he can see it, it isn’t going in his mouth. The grater is my friend.

He also seems to be able to make it through a whole day on a piece of toast and a cheese stick, if he’s in the mood.

Sometimes, just to get my boy to eat something, I let him eat rubbish. Like last night, when we went out for dinner, and he basically chowed down a pile of hot chips for his tea.

I get so tired of the endless battles, of the wasted fresh food that gets chopped up and not eaten, of trying to reason with a little person who can simply seal his lips and turn his head, or worse – just throw.

So sometimes, sure, hot chips.

And then today, I saw this advert. It stopped me in my tracks.

Watch it. Watch it until the end. And then tell me, how do I stop this happening to my kid? How do you stop this happening to yours?

Because that’s the answer I’m looking for tonight. And one thing’s for sure. No more hot chips for dinner.

What do you think of this ad? How do you make sure your children eat healthily? 

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Healthy snacks your kids might even eat.

Spaghetti with hidden vegetables.


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