
"My son hates his new preschool. Help!"

How long do you listen to your child complaining about something before you change it?

I need help.

Actually, I need some opinions.

Let me give you the back story.

When we moved, I kept my son in the preschool we both loved. The owner was awesome and went out of her way to help with my work and my son who, as the teacher called him, the ‘king of the kids’. He loved it and had numerous friends.

(FYI I’m in NSW, when I say preschool I mean the year before “big school” – you might know it as daycare, prep or kindy).

The school is a couple of suburbs away (about a 10-15 minute drive) and he won’t be going to the school associated with the preschool but instead the local one near our new house.

When I got a new job I decided to move him to a school closer to home to help with pick-up and drop-offs. We were lucky enough to get a spot and he started almost immediately.

Almost two months later every day at the new preschool is a battle. He cries and screams and this morning he made himself sick because he didn’t want to go.

“I hate it. The kids don’t like me, they won’t play with me.”

My son is a pretty easy-going kid, not much bothers him and he is super outgoing. At first I thought it was just the fact he was in new surroundings, with new people. At the other school, he knew the kids and teachers for years, since his brother had gone there. But now, after two months, I’m just not sure. He seems genuinely distressed. He isn’t the kid who gets stressed (my other son is, I know the difference).

Today, I was a softie. I gave in. I let him stay home. But only because I was able too, I know many other people don’t have that option.

So now I’m left with two options:

1. Keep him at the new preschool  (which is just across from the local school he will attend next year and full of kids going to the school) and tell him he just has to go.


2. See if I can get a spot back at the old preschool (which I *think* there is one) and let him go where he feels welcome and happy and just manage with the extra travel and work juggling situation.

Am I being too soft if I let him go back?

His teacher at the new school told me last week all he talks about is “his other preschool” and how “they” do things.

He starts school next year so it’s only for the remainder of the year I need to worry about.

And I am worried.

What do I do? The last thing I want is his last few months of preschool to be stressful for him. But I also don’t want to be the mum who lets him get off.

Should I be teaching him to live outside his comfort zone?

He’s only four.

What would you do? How long would you give him to settle in to his new “School”.

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