
Exactly what it's like to work as a celebrity's personal assistant.




Holy wow.

Accidental drug-running, 4 am starts, emergency psychic readings, heavy drinking, and breaking up with extremely famous men. Oh, that’s all in a week’s work for a celebrity’s personal assistant.

A celeb PA just dished all the weirdest details of working for an extremely famous Hollywood star, in the most controversial confession since Victoria Beckham’s nanny. The person, who wisely declined to reveal her identity, told Jennifer Vineyard at The Cut that working for this high-profile actress nearly ruined her life.

Highlights of working for this woman include having to pick up marijuana, manage her prescriptions, wake her up in the mornings, keep her child quiet, and completely abandon her own personal life. The craziest thing of all? In her first week on the job, she was sent to break up with a man on this star’s behalf. A famous man. A very famous man.

Oh yeah… and later, she had to call that very famous man and inform him that he may have contracted an STD from this celebrity.

This is what she said:

I broke up with a very prominent actor boyfriend of hers. She said, “Oh, we’re done making a movie together; it’s not really going to work; I’m sort of seeing somebody else. Could you just tell him to back off and leave me alone?” And she said this over the phone, over Christmas. She told me, “Accept the date on my behalf. Take the date. Go instead of me.” So, that’s what I did. You would think sending a text is the worst — no. Sending your assistant to break up with him is the worst. He had no idea it was coming, either, which was sad.

She also tells a hilarious but horrifying anecdote about that time she had to drop everything for a very specific type of emergency:

Once I got called in as an emergency because she said, “I need to see my therapist.” So I had to leave my family and drive over and pick her up, because she was like, “After therapy, I can’t drive.” That’s fine, I get it: So she’s in with the therapist, and I’m sitting there in the car, reading, and I remember seeing the therapist’s name — but she wasn’t a therapist. Oh no. She was a palm reader. She was a palm reader that we got a discount for in the gift bag at an awards show. She was a psychic. And I was like, “I left a family event to take her to come see a psychic?” You could have called 1-900-whatever and gotten the same information, and stayed at home.

You can read the whole confessional here.

We don’t actually know who this celebrity is… yet. Here’s what we do know, if you’re up for a game of Guess The Diva.

– She’s an actress.

– She works in films.

– She has one child.

– She dated a co-star and ended that relationship over a Christmas break.

Any guesses? Who could this nightmare celebrity possibly be? Go go go. 

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Top Comments

kee 10 years ago

Charlize Theron

Becc22 10 years ago

Angelina Jolie? When she just had the first kid? Would be my first guess.....