
If there was ever a day to show off your pregnancy bump, today's the day.

In the last six months, I have seen my obstetrician seven times.

I have seen my GP four times so she could tell me that what I was worried about is completely normal.

I have had the flu vaccine to prevent myself from getting too sick and keep my baby safe.

I have had two ultrasounds to check on the development of my baby.

I have had one blood test to double check for any abnormalities.

I have had one diabetes test which confirmed that for the next three months, sugar is not my friend.

I have had access to pregnancy multi-vitamins to make sure my baby is getting everything she needs and morning sickness vitamins to get me through those dreadful eight weeks in the first trimester.

My biggest worry with all of the above is the time I've had to take off work to be able to make the appointments.

I am an incredibly lucky woman.

Ever day around 800 women die globally from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).


And each year, UNICEF says, one million babies don't make it past the first day in their life.

In a world where Kim Kardashian's bum can break the internet, I find these numbers unacceptable.

Which is why I am supporting #BumpDay.

Watch the video below to find more about #BumpDay. Post continues after the video.

Celebrate #BumpDay from International Medical Corps on Vimeo.


Until today, there was no day dedicated to maternal health.

But today is different. Today is the 22nd of July. Officially now known as #BumpDay.

All #BumpDay a photo of your bump. Whether you are pregnant today, or were pregnant years ago, please share a photo of your bump with the hashtag, #BumpDay, to get people talking about maternal health.

It has been too long for no one to make this an issue worthy of a day.

Look, I will get you started.

TAP on the image below to check out my bump pics and those of my colleagues (and a few of my favourite celebrities who are or were recently pregnant). Then take to Facebook or Instagram. Tag us on Facebook and I will include your bump in the gallery, or Tag us on Instagram (@themotherish) and we will regram your beautiful bump.

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