
He died to save his little brother, now Jordan Rice's bravery will finally be acknowledged.

Jordan Rice’s last words were ‘take my brother first’. Now, his bravery will finally be remembered.

When floodwaters surrounded the home of John Tyson and Donna Rice in 2011, a Good Samartin waded into the water and offered to help. Their 13-year-old son Jordan resisted, he wanted the man to save his little brother Blake first.

“Jordan couldn’t swim,”John Tyson writes. “He must have been petrified. But he put his fears aside to make sure his brother made it through the terrifying flood. Moments later, Jordan and his mum were swept to their deaths.”

In his grief, Tyson was given a "glint of light in the darkness," when then Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, "The legend of Jordan's amazing courage will go on." Tony Abbott, who was opposition leader at the time, said Jordan was deserving of Australia's highest civilian award for bravery- the Cross of Valour.

But Jordan's bravery was never officially acknowledged, and he was not awarded with the Cross of Valour. After three years of waiting for recognition, in memory of his son, and in a heart-rending effort to have Jordan's selflessness and bravery acknowledged, John Tyson started a petition.

"I was offered a 'Group Family Citation' which I declined, because I believe Jordan should be considered for an actual bravery award," he said. "I believe the Cross of Valour, as Tony Abbott suggested, would be appropriate, is what should be considered. I am asking Tony Abbott to nominate Jordan for the award, and for the committee to reconsider this nomination."

"Nothing will ever bring Jordan and Donna back. But it would mean the world to us to have his last moments of bravery properly acknowledged."

Now, two years after the petition was started, Jordan Lucas Rice and his incredible act of bravery will be remembered.

"Success!" reads an update on the petition. "On the 6th of May 2016 at 2:00pm, Jordan Lucas Rice will be presented with a Bravery Medal at Government House, Queensland."

John Tyson is clearly proud that after all his efforts, his son will be acknowledged. 'My son died saving his little brother – it would mean the world to us to have his bravery acknowledged'is the largest petition in Australian history.

"I would personally like to thank each of you for your generosity, support and solidarity as it is YOU that has made this award happen – a victory for the common man," wrote Tyson.

"Our journey has not been easy and make no mistake, I am more than aware that this award has been granted under duress."

Tyson made clear that each and every one of the petitions signatories contributed to this outcome. "I sincerely hope every single one of you can take a little bit of this award with you in the knowledge I will proudly accept this award on your behalf and in honour of Jordan’s inconspicuous courage in such circumstances of extreme peril," he said.

Tyson has also established The Jordan Rice Foundation in his son's honour. For all news, charity events and opportunities at the Jordan Rice Foundation, you can follower them on Facebook:

"The battle may be a challenge, yet my burning desire to help others who may find themselves in similar circumstances to me will never wain - no one should ever be left to fall by the wayside."


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Top Comments

John Ralph 8 years ago

It's such a pity that this deserved award had to fought for years and made under duress .. no thanks to those politicians who talked the talk at the time but went missing when it came time to fulfil thier words with actions ...