
Yahya was born without a face. He's finally received life changing surgery.

Meet Yahya.

He’s known as the “boy with no face”, but undoubtedly, his story is far more.

The little boy from Morocco without a face and Sunday Night has followed his story from the very moment he left his home to his travels to Australia for life-changing surgery.

When he was first born, Yahya was missing massive pieces of his face and skull, which left him without a nose, mouth and eyes. His deformity left him without any vision and unable to say any words.

Most children born with such deformities often don't survive.

His parents were so terrified of people looking at him, that they would not leave the house with, unless his face was covered.

Quite beautifully, it was just the little girl next door - Heeba - who didn't care what Yahya looked like.

But, this all changed when his Australian carer, Fatima Baraka, found a post about him on Facebook. She took it upon himself to completely revolutionise his world.

Fatima called Prof Tony Holmes, a craniofacial plastic surgeon, to complete surgery on Yahya, after his parents agreed to go ahead with it. Since then, Yahya has spent the past two years with Fatima in Australia.

The surgery conducted on Yahya, which took almost twenty hours, could have potentially left him dead.

But, the result from the surgery was absolutely stunning and left everyone in tears.

After getting the final check from the doctor to fly back, Yahya did something very very special.

As the doctor bent down to say goobye to Yahya, he opened up his arms wide and said his very first words.

"Thank you."

The little boy who left Morocco was completely different to the one who returned - inside and out.

And of course, there was one very special person waiting on his doorstep for him to return home - his best friend, Heeba.

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