
Book review: Free Range Kids

Free Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy

Reviewed by Lyn McErlean

Free Range Kids

The “Americas worst mum” has penned a book called ‘Free range kids’; oh what was she thinking? Leonore Skenzazy was the mother who let her 9 year old son ride the subway home, she was interviewed by The Today Show and a host of other shows and sold to the general public as “Americas worse mum” I have vague recollections of the uproar this story had in the 90’s. So picking it up to review this book was firstly amusing. I really thought the book would be a guide how to raise feral left children! I was so wrong!!

This book is so right. It was so needed in the 90’s and it is even more needed today. The anecdotes throughout the book remind us that growing up throughout history is not without peril, but most of us survived, and survived better for it for the lessons we learnt along the way. The best way to learn is to make a mistake. For example one of the best  pieces of evidence on why you should let you kids catch the bus is because more kids get run over by the parents cars in school car parks than any other accident going home!

The book gives reasonable explanations why you should let children eat cookie dough,, why they should ride the see-saw (if you can ever find one). The book is about letting children be children and let them grow into strong and independent learners who face challenges and can solve problems. It is about getting to know your kids and talking to them on a real level, providing support without wrapping them up so tight in cotton wool that they need you to tuck them into bed at night at 30.

As I read this book, I laughed, cried and best of all thought about how I could use these strategies in my house for the children to really find their own way through the maze of growing up without being neglectful or overly protective. It made me laugh at some of the things I worry about! It made me revisit some of those conversations that you have with your children that you wish you could skip, but need to be said repeatedly so they understand that you are the one to talk to when life heads into the unknown.

Well hats off – even without sunscreen to you Leonore! This book is excellent and reminds us that raising kids doesn’t mean protecting them from everything, its about everything in balance.

10/10 A perfect gift for a new mum!

Tags: books