
Congratulations to Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds!


It seems that congratulations are in order for Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds this morning. Reports have surfaced that the pair (well, Blake did the actual birthing part) have just given birth to their first child.

The name and sex of the baby are yet to be announced – stay tuned. But what we can tell you is that this child is going to be ridiculously genetically blessed. Obviously.


Blake Lively has just announced her pregnancy, and we have so many questions.

Where on earth has she been hiding it this entire time?

Wasn’t she just on the red carpet with Ryan Reynolds looking very un-pregnant?

How did we not predict this was going to happen?

Just how far along is she?

Only Blake Lively, 27, could transition from red-carpet glamazon to expectant-mother glamazon with her usual effortless ease.

She revealed her pregnancy on her kooky hipster website Preserve, where a post by the team mused about the importance of family.

"Preserve at its core is about family. Family is the single word our founder, Blake built this home on. We have something for men, for women, for the old, but we realised, we don’t have anything for the new."

"With family on our mind, we looked to the origin of it all—to the women in our lives who are right there, at that special moment; at the creation of family.

"Today we celebrate them. With food to fill their tummies (as if that needs more filling), presents to soothe their tired (and swollen) soles, toys to warm their baby’s souls, projects to provoke them, and decorations to inspire creativity and merriment in all.

Inside Blake Lively's Preserve website

"We had too much fun with this. Because there’s so much to share, we break up our first ever Preserve Celebration into multiple parts.

"In the upcoming days we will bring even more treats and fun. The entire next month will be sprinkled with highlights for women in this exciting chapter of their lives.

"Congratulations to all the expecting mothers out there. And thank you for being a part of our Preserve family."

Here's how Lively hinted to the news on Preserve's Instagram:

So looks like baby one is on the way – or if Blake could have her way, she may be carrying octuplets. She told Marie Claire last year, "I gotta get started... If I could spit out a litter of kids, I would."

Ryan agrees with Lively, feeling the Octomum vibes, 'We'd love to have a big family. We both come from big families - my parents did four. Blake's did five," he told Details. 

Congratulations Blake and Ryan!

What would the perfect baby name be for the Lively-Reynolds child? 

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