
Kim Kardashian asked Bette Midler for nudes. And Bette Midler delivered.

Look. When a person normally takes a nude selfie, it gets sent off in cyberspace to a loved one to live forever on an internet server.

But when Kim Kardashian takes a nude selfie, the world wide web generally tends to implode.

It’s been four days since Kim Kardashian once again blessed the online world with her naked figure. Whilst everyone from Piers Morgan to Miley Cyrus and Chloe Grace Moretz have joined in the conversation, one Bette Midler is not yet done talking about the snap.

After originally throwing a lot of shade Kardashian’s way as part of her campaign to become the funniest woman on Twitter, Kim quickly retorted by asking the actress, singer and comedian to send nudes.

Now, Midler has challenged the Queen of Reality TV to put her selfie to work for charity, telling Kim that she can’t take nudes because the lighting’s too bad after all that shade Kim sent her way.

In other news, Twitters most beloved rap artist – Kim’s own husband Kanye West – has also begun tweeting again offering us a gripping insight into the fashion world and his wife, who is “our modern day everything”.

Want more? Watch our modern day everything showing her bestie around her house…

Video by E!

Top Comments

Ella 8 years ago

Am I the only one who wishes that Kim and the rest would just keep their clothes on? We all have bodies, why do some people feel they need to strip in public? We're very casual in our house, but we all keep our clothes on when we go out.

Jess 8 years ago

Why is everyone so happy about Bette telling Kim what to do with her body? Aren't we trying to stop this? 'Take a joke' 'Use for body for this'. This is the (excuse me) bullshit that women have been putting up with for centuries.

Ella 8 years ago

Because someone needed to tell her - "too mach skin Kim".

CaptainLatrine 8 years ago

Did she tell her what to do with her body, or did she just (quite correctly) point out that this is something we've seen time and time again from Kim and so it's nothing out of the ordinary? I'm not seeing any shaming here, and I think most people are pleased with Bette's quip because the Kardashian's getting naked when they want some extra attention is predictable and tiresome. No one cares that Kim's not wearing anything, it's the constant seeking attention and validation by posting a 'shocking' picture that no one is shocked by anymore that grates.

SS 8 years ago

Kim's pretty, desirable, wealthy and successful. She makes the most amount of money for the smallest amount of work. People can't handle that.