
Best and Worst: How has your week been?


Hey MM-ers!

Welcome to Best and Worst; where we all get together and talk about our week. The highs, the lows and everything in between. So take a seat, rejoice in the fact Friday has dawned upon us once more and get started. As a wise woman once said, “Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday.”

Best: This week I’ve rejoined the fabulous Mamamia Team. I interned here last year and have been invited back on board to help out with some stuff for the Rogue part of the site. It’s been great seeing all the familiar faces again, meeting the wonderful new faces and checking out the cool new office. Plus, I missed the colourful post-it notes. They always make me feel like I’m getting s**t done.

Worst: I’ve been having major real-estate hassles. Sometimes trying to get in touch with your real estate agent is about as hard as convincing Tony Abbott that Speedos shouldn’t be a thing anymore – it just ain’t going to happen. But I swear to God, next time a moth flies in the broken bathroom window and joins me in the shower, I’m going to have to start thinking of some serious revenge tactics to get my real estate agent to stop ignoring my incessant phone calls and emails and take action.

OMM: (On My Mind) 

I love people who photoshop hilarious things. I think I really need to learn how to do it. In that respect, I know the use-by-date on the Kimye wedding is so up, but as if this isn’t the best photo of the whole wedding.


Anyway, now that I’ve left you with that visual, it’s all over to you. How’s your week been?


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Top Comments

guest 10 years ago

best: 20 week ultrasound! We saw bub grab at 'its' genitals and then it proceeded to moon us for the next half hour! Refused to move!

Worst: ongoing morning sickness. At this point I have come to the the realisation that I am one of those lucky women who will be sick all the way through the pregnancy.

OMM: Had a friend on FB post that women should feel grateful for being pregnant out of respect for those women who can't get pregnant. I think this just came at the wrong moment for me......most days I feel incredibly blessed but when you've been puking 2-3 times an hour since 3am the LAST thing you need is to be guilted into feeling grateful for the privilege. It sent me into a 2hr sobbing, puking spiral because I don't feel the appropriate amount of happiness, gratitude and positivity in concern to this baby and pregnancy.

Guest 10 years ago

I'm one of "those" women. I found out yesterday that after 2 years of trying, a miscarriage, months of clomid & now an IVF cycle that while I am technically pregnant the hormone levels are so low the specialist doesn't expect the pregnancy to progress. Please be grateful for how lucky you are even with what I can only imagine how awful the nausea & vomiting might be, that in a few months you'll have a baby in your arms, whereas mine will still be empty.

chillax 10 years ago

I'm so sorry your 'friend' made such comments clearly directing them passively aggressively at you.
Ignore what she said. She's obviously coming from a very desperate sad place, but that doesnt mean you should feel unable to express your own emotions when the relentlessness of morning sickness gets to you. Jealousy doesnt bring out the best in people unfortunately.

jacki 10 years ago

Best: it's the weekend :)

Worst: Getting cramping which means this months trying for a bubba didn't work and the drugs, ultrasounds, blood tests and everything else was pointless :( Think it's about time we took a break from this baby trying stuff. 9 months of constant trying under a Fertility Specialist is wearing thin.

OMM: Why do men, or maybe just my hubby, start sooo many projects around the house, leave them half finished before moving on to the next one? Our house and yard is a bomb site and it's slightly doing my head in lol!

Michelle 10 years ago

I had excruciating cramps when first pregnant. Thought it was my period. Hope you are!