
16 incredible books you don’t have to read.

Thanks to our brand partner, Audible.com.au


There’s nothing better than being lost in a good book.

However, with the busy lives we all lead there’s often little to no time left in the day to curl up and eagerly turn the pages of a new read.

There’s always work to be done, family to be attended to and a house to clean (just call us Cinderella).

But I’m now going to let you in on a delicious little secret. Audiobooks are the key to exploring endless stories and discovering new writers, all while making your way to work, fitting in your daily exercise or waiting for the kids to finish their swimming lessons.

The key to true productivity? Finding the audiobook that seamlessly fits into your activity of choice. It’s all about uncovering the right one for the right moment in your day.

For example. When it comes to exercise you’ll need a book that will get your blood pumping just as much as your bout of cardio. Books littered with twists and turns that will keep you running long after the sun goes down, just so you can find out how they end. You’ll want to get your heart rate up with The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn or The Widow by Fiona Barton, which has been touted as this year’s The Girl on the Train.

The daily commute requires another genre altogether. There’s nothing better than passing a long ride to work chatting with friends. But, since you’re not always going to have a faithful friend to go the distance with, I suggest you find your friends in the world of audiobooks. There is a range of memoirs by sassy, smart, hilarious ladies just waiting to get into your ears. During your commute you’ll want to devour Bossypants by Tina Fey, Yes Please by Amy Poehler or Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

And, the best part? These ladies narrate their books themselves, so it’s like they’re sitting right next to you.

Cooking and cleaning are often the most mundane parts of the day, so why not get swept up in an epic adventure while you’re scrubbing the bathroom floor? To escape domestic duties, I like to get lost in Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, epic weepie Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger or The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.

When you’re doing a long grocery shop, you want something energetic, but nothing with so many twists and turns that you’ll walk out of the shop without your bananas and milk because you’re so keen to get past the next cliff-hanger.  Kick-arse self-help titles like Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert or Laura Vanderkam’s I Know How She Does It will inspire you to whizz through that shopping list and foster the willpower you need to dodge the confectionary aisle.

School drop off, school pick up, swimming lessons, sleepovers — with kids it feels like you’re on constant chauffeur duties. And audiobooks are the best way to entertain you and the kids during those car trips (while also being an excellent method to stop the squabbling).

Try the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, narrated by the one and only Stephen Fry or Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery. Roald Dahl’s Matilda, read by Kate Winslet will have you smiling as the beautiful words flow into your ears.  Or you can check out Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, which has been narrated by the charming and talented Scarlett Johansson.  Now that’s a voice to soothe you and the little ones.

With audiobooks, your world is always filled with stories and a hint of magic. I never leave home without them.

What’s your favourite audiobook and why?

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Top Comments

Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews 8 years ago

A recent favourite of mine is Adrian McKinty's 'Gun Street Girl', superbly narrated by Gerard Doyle. Combine a lead character of depth and substance (and an accent) with the right narrator and it can take a story to a whole other level. Kept me listening into the wee hours!

Susan C 8 years ago

I prefer paper or ebooks but sometimes when I'm embarking on a big cleaning or sorting project I like audiobooks. To quote Kerry Greenwood's Corrina Chapman "The hands move of their own volition while the ears are ravished" - from Trick or Treat.