
Best and Worst: How's your week been?


Welcome to Best and Worst, that time every week where we get to celebrate and commiserate together over the past seven day’s highs and lows. If you’re new to the game, then I’ll get us started to give an guide for how it’s done!


Honestly, seeing all the beautiful, smiling faces that were sent in as part of our first Body Positive Challenge with Fernwood. Flicking through this gallery of so many women not wearing make-up, and maybe feeling a little self-conscious but giving it a go anyway, made me feel really happy.

Not wearing make-up for one day isn’t going to change the world – but it might change how comfortable you feel in your own skin. And I think that’s awesome.


Feeling like there are too many big problems in the world, and not enough compassion to help solve the issues. So I went looking for people who are trying to make a difference. If you’d like to help out, here are just a few, very different causes that need greater awareness.

Raising funds for children who are deaf due to conditions like dyspraxia, autism or cognitive delay. Stopping the stigma around mental illness. Clearing up the myths surrounding asylum seekers. And developing maternal health resources for women and girls from the Afar region of Ethiopia.

Over to you – what has been the best and worst of your week? 

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Top Comments

PerthMum 11 years ago

Best: Baby due in a week

Worst: My mother lives with me at the moment and she wants her friend to come and stay with us a week or so after the baby is born. I've said no as I will be establishing breastfeeding and I just want my husband and I (and mum as she lives with us) for the first six weeks. My mother is very unhappy and is throwing the adult version of a passive aggressive tantrum, not talking to me etc. I just want to focus on the baby, am I being unreasonable? I'm very hormonal so maybe I am, hubby doesn't think so.

Lealea 11 years ago

Nope, not unreasonable. For the following reasons:

Reality is, you may be up a lot during the night with a crying baby, feeding, settling etc. this will disturb others.
You will be super exhausted and won't want to have to consider another house guest. You will already have people wanting to visit you and meet the baby, that will be an effort.
I personally had a bit of the baby blues and was quite teary at that time.

And most importantly, it's your house and your decision. You can do whatever you like.

Good luck, and for the baby xo

PerthMum 11 years ago

Thanks Lealea :-)

Anon Anon Anon 11 years ago

Best: i have a beautiful son that amazes me every day.

Worst: his dad/my husband is a total irresponsible douchebag. Yet I stay married to him because my breaking point hasn't arrived yet. Ugh.