
Best and worst of the week

Is anyone else losing track of the days lately? It always happens to me around this time of year. Everyday seems to mirror the one before it and I can’t tell Wednesday from Sunday. Or maybe it’s just the insane temperatures this week. The heat is messing with my mind.

Apparently it’s Friday, which means it’s time for the Mamamia tradition that is Best and Worst. This is YOUR post, a time to tell us what’s been happening in your world during the week. It’s the first week of the new year… How are those resolutions faring? I promised myself I’d start running from Jan 1. So far I have been once – and I stopped mid-way for a latte. Whoops.

So anyway, pull up a chair, make yourself a cuppa and tell us what’s on your mind. Don’t be shy. No story is too big or small to share. I was reading this post for years before I finally built up the courage to comment and now I’m addicted.

So I’ll go first.

Best: While everyone else has been holidaying over Christmas, Mamamia has been business as usual. But it hasn’t been all work and no play. Because I have the best bosses in the world, I’ve been luck enough to work from home for the past couple of weeks, which for me is Melbourne.

Working from home is not something I’d want to do all the time – I love working with other people and having a reason to change out of my pyjamas in the morning – but for a few weeks over summer it’s been ace. My whole family has been down at a beach house and on any given night there’s been between 5 and 20 people in the house. Every day I hijack the dining table and turn it into my office space, and at night we all sit around for dinner, drinks and the occasional board game. It’s been lovely.

Worst: I spent Monday night searching the streets for a friend’s dog that had gone missing. I hate that feeling of just not knowing. It’s absolutely crippling. After an hour of panicking, and screaming ‘Lulu!’ as loud as we possibly could, we got a call from a family who had found Lulu wandering along the road. Turns out she’d taken herself for a swim at the beach and was having a jolly good time. Us? Not so much.

What about you? How’s your week been?What were your bests and your worst and what’s on your mind?

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Top Comments

Carrie 12 years ago

best : my little man's birthday party this wkend, it was a lovely day, its wonderful to know he is surrounded by so many beautiful people who care about him. he is growing up so fast.

worst : ive been trying so hard not to, but im already feeling obsessive and anxious about trying for another baby. i have PCOS and conceiving our son was a long struggle, emotionally i was not prepared for it.

ive been trying to take a more relaxed approach to it now that we are trying for our second bub, but im already feeling the pressure.

K&K 12 years ago

Best - Having a much-needed week of doing close to nothing! Other highlights: the cricket! Also, finally telling the lovely gentleman (S) whom I've liked for quite a long time how I felt and then kissing him. Win!

Worst - So, as it turns out, I had already hooked up with another gentleman (M) that same evening before I talked to/kissed S (kinda because I wasn't with S who I actually wanted to be with) Then M saw me kiss S and I then had the self-inflicted joy of explaining the situation to both gentleman!
Really awkward. I felt awful about how I had treated M who thankfully was incredibly forgiving and gracious. But now I'm questioning whether I threw someone who is perfectly lovely away (M) and I have no idea where things will go with S, if they do go, that is.

(NB this amount of drama/action/poor behaviour is quite unlike me!)