
Best and Worst of the Week.







The time has come again to share our weeks with each other. To catch up on what we’ve been doing, how we’ve been feeling and what we’re planning for the weekend ahead. I’ll go first.

This week I was supposed to be on holidays. However it’s been anything but a vacation. The week has passed by in a blur of extra work shifts, forgotten assignments, not enough sleep and too much coffee.

It’s not all bad – somehow, somewhere in this little mess I found my exercise motivation. The warmer weather just does things to me and I believe I am truly a happier person in summer. Is that bad? I promise I’m still nice in winter too (sort of…)

My worst would have to be hearing the devastating news of Jill Meagher’s body being found this morning. I suppose it is a tiny consolation that they have a suspect in custody and hopefully justice will come for Jill. This tragedy truly brings to light questions about the safety of women travelling alone at night. All our thoughts are with Jill’s husband, family, friends and colleagues.

Here’s what else has been happening around the Mamamia office and on social media this week:

Freya is a Sydney journalism student and an intern at Mamamia, who wants to know at least a little about everything. Her friends have taken to calling her ‘crazy cat lady.’ You can check out her Twitter here.

So how was your week? What were your best and worst moments? What are your plans for the long weekend?

Top Comments

Allie 12 years ago

Worst: Jill's death. It's such a tragedy and so utterly terrifying, as it's the exact thing you fear every time you walk home alone, but you never expect for it to actually happen. The poor, darling girl. As one woman wrote in the condolences book "every person marching for her today wishes they could have been marching with her on that night to protect her". My thoughts are with her family, friends and husband.

Best: I am overseas and miss my family, friends and boyfriend so much. I wish I could hug them all, especially with this reminder of how precious and fragile life is. But I'm so grateful that I have such beautiful people in my life that I love so much.

petal 12 years ago

Best: Have been emailing a guy that I like a lot who is in the UK at the moment. Getting lovely emails from him brightens my whole day! Also, had a job interview yesterday which went well, which means that I will soon be able to leave my current job that I am well and truly sick of!

Worst: Trying to write a 4000 word essay on a topic that the Yale Law Journal describes as 'the most difficult area of law' !! :S And getting the vibe from one of my best friends that he is interested in me... not reciprocated