
Best and worst: Come and tell us how your week's been.



It’s Friday, people, and we all know what that means – it’s time to round out another week and tie it up with the best and worsts!

I’ll start this one off: here are my bests and worst moments of the week.

Best: Being here at Mamamia! Now I don’t mean to toot our own horn here, but I started an internship here on Monday and let me tell you – it is just as awesome as you imagine from behind your computer screens.

So far, my days have consisted of sitting in with the brilliant and hilarious Rosie while she interviewed the final two girls from The Bachelor (who, in case you’re wondering, were super lovely), going with the beautiful Jamila to her photo shoot with Cosmo and then satisfying my inner chocoholic with a chocolate tasting with Max Brenner. A chocolate tasting, people! I know, I know, it’s not fair. But it was so delicious! And of course, being a sponge and learning from the super intelligent bunch of girls that make up Mamamia.

Worst: The 6am alarm clock. As my friends keeps telling me, welcome to the real world: it sounds so petty doesn’t it? But I feel like I’m jet lagged! 10pm feels like 1am and 6am is beginning to feel like 9am! This Uni student body clock needs some serious re-training!

Now over to you.

Jordana Csoti is an intern at Mamamia who has just graduated from Monash University. She’s a social media addict who loves nothing more than traveling the world, and of course great music. You can follow her on twitter here (@jordana_91)

What have been your bests and worst of this week?

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Top Comments

antipop 10 years ago

Best: Started my veggie patch. It's only 1m^2 but I plan to get the most out of it as possible. I have the soil looking great. Bring on heirloom tomatoes and more! Tasty goodness!
Worst: I moved house with a good friend of mine a couple of months ago. I have an 8 year old, and his son is nearly 5. It's starting to really piss me off that my friends never pulls his son up on his often terrible behaviour. It's such a tricky situation having two parents and two kids under the one roof.
Does anyone have any advice or been through this before?

mummamoo 10 years ago

I'd sit down together with a treat after dinner, when both kids are in bed, and try to write up a list of things that are ok and things that are not. Sort of like rules in a share-house. Really try to stick to the things that impact on everyone, and things that you feel are a negative influence. Don't get caught up in a "he does, you do, they do" attitude, just try to make things generic. If you need to use specifics, try "oh I've noticed Joe Bloggs from school has a bad habit of using the word loser and I really don't want that coming home, do you think we could add that to the not ok list?". Just try to avoid blame, and keep things light hearted!

Good luck!

chef 10 years ago

Worst: I don't think I want to do what I do any more. But have no idea what to do otherwise. It's my identity, I am a chef, and have been for more than half my life. But the demands of the industry are taking their toll now. My back is fucked, my knees are dodgy, my legs look like a road map. Elbows and wrists are starting to go. I broke my foot 8 weeks ago (not at work) and am surviving only on painkillers, red bull, and wine. I am only working about 50-55 hours per week for the moment but the thought of doing this for the next 20 years makes me despair (I am 44). Would just love to have a job where I get to sit down, But what?
Best: Took my daughter to buy her outfit for her year 6 graduation, found it all and most of it was on special. And we didn't even fight!
Best: My Brother-in-law and his partner are getting married Dec 8 in Canberra. Go marriage equality! Plus am getting 2 days off work for this so if any Canberra MMers have any suggestions as to where to go on a Sunday night while we are there, I would be most grateful.

Dana 10 years ago

There is so much opportunity to do a 'certificate Iv in training and assessment' and then you teach new chefs in a tafe or similar?
Then you'd still be a chef but teaching others!