
The Block's Bec Douros was shamed by a fellow passenger for breastfeeding on a flight.

Former contestant on The Block: Sky High and The Block: Triple Threat Bec Douros has taken to social media to share her experience of breastfeeding on board a plane on Monday.

Posting an image of her young son Archie’s hand on the plane window on Instagram, the interior design guru began by telling followers it was the pair’s “first fight without Dad,” continuing, “We survived by only just. We were both wanting to escape about 10 minutes in when I realised I was sitting on an aisle seat. Oh well I started to breastfeed Archie.”

The incredibly adorable baby-in-need-of-a-feed, Archie. Source: Instagram.

Breastfeeding: that thing that many mothers do in order to keep their children alive, happy and stop them from screaming their heads off because they're bloody hungry.

Continuing on, Douros' post then said, "A big F#@% you to the lady sitting next to me who rolled her eyes at me and said I should have done that BEFORE I got on the flight.  A massive thank you to the other lady who kindly swapped her window seat so I could finish feeding Archie."

Bec with husband George and baby Archie. Source: Instagram.

Why complete strangers feel that they have the right to comment on women breastfeeding is still beyond us. But apparently it's still happening every day because looking elsewhere is too much of an effort.

Thankfully, revenge was served pretty swiftly for Douros and Archie, Bec finally adding, "I should have told that old bag she left her reading glasses on the seat, but I thought to myself she really should have put them away BEFORE she rushed ahead of everyone to get off the flight. #gladthatisover #goodluckfinishingyourbooktonight #normalisebreastfeeding."

The original post on Monday. Source: Instagram.

With their latest television adventure, Love Shack soon to hit television screens, it looks like the flying adventures are anything but over for the young family. Here's to hoping for more understanding aisle mates in the future.

Since being posted on Monday the photo has gathered thousands of likes and hundreds of comments in support of the mum of one and her decision to breastfeed.

Photographer Suzie Blake knows exactly what breastfeeding looks like. 

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Top Comments

Kimbo 8 years ago

Bec is such a lovely, down-to-earth, generous person.
I breastfed on all flights, as Tarsh said below, it helps with baby's ears (they can't have chewing gum, can they).
Go Bec - keep breastfeeding your gorgeous bub & keep advocating #normalisebreastfeeding :)

Gryffin 8 years ago

When did people become so precious about seeing a breastfeeding mother? It's ridiculous... Anyone who's flown with kids will have been given the advice breast feed on landing and take off as it helps with their ears. I don't know about you but I'd rather get flashed the minimal amount of boob or heavens above a nipple than deal with a screaming baby. Besides if you're staring so much that you do see that much boob or nipple then you're a perve. I've seen more boob at the beach from bikini tops and out and about from people's low cut tops than I've ever seen from my breastfeeding friends.