
The best 'Beauty and the Geek' makeover we've ever seen.


Everyone loves a good makeover. Just ask Sandy in Grease. Ask any movie from the 90’s.

But today, ask fans of Beauty and the Geek.

The ‘geeks’ of the reality show hit the beauticians hard last night. Nerds turned into studs. Monobrowed caterpillars to hipster butterflies. It was a beautiful thing.

But one geek in particular has set some Aussie hearts a-racing.

This is Tate Putnins. He’s… well… he’s as geek as geek gets.

Note the Pokemon t-shirt. Note the skivvy. Note the bowlcut and monobrow. You just want to cuddle him… sort of.

So geek. Until last night.

Tate had his turn for a makeover. This is the new Tate. PREPARE THYSELVES.

Australian girls everywhere are heavy breathing.

As demonstrated here:


And if you can believe it (and we can), Tate already has booked a $5000 underwear modelling contract with Aussiebums (a prize for the best makeover on the show). With a perfectly manicured face like that, how could they resist? That is one pretty geek.

Tate’s more than just a pretty face (and magnificent brows) too. He’s an engineering student at RMIT, and a maths and science whiz.

It’s no secret that the men get a little geeked-up by stylists when they film the show. Tate probably looked smoking hot before. But you can guarantee, he was always a geek.

“Those T-shirts, most of them are mine. Like the Pokemon shirt, I love it.”

Bless your cotton argyle socks, Tate.

Have a look at Tate’s journey:


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Top Comments

C.R.USHLEY 9 years ago

Hmmm, third time lucky...

Why is MM promoting a show which tells us looks are more important than brains, that men should aim for women who are beautiful on the outside, and that for a woman to be beautiful, she must also be dopey?

Michelle 9 years ago

What a load of gibber jabber! They just get them to watch The Big Bang Theory I am sure to nerd it up!