
This photo is going viral for the most beautiful reason.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but we can only think of one. Beautiful.

For anyone who has ever had a child who has become ill, this picture will show you that there is always a chance of a brighter and more beautiful future.

Mother Ariane Grabill, who is hugging her son Aiden in this picture, found out he had kidney cancer at the age of 3.

Aiden underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and he's just turned 5 and been declared cancer free.

The family, with a healthy Aiden, and sister Caroline are pictured at the top of this post.

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Top Comments

Rush 8 years ago

Am I the only one who feels like only getting part of the story here? It's a lovely photo, and it's fantastic that the little boy is cancer free... but I'm not sure why the photo is going viral. Is there a blog post that went with it, talking about what has happened along the way? I'm not trying to be cynical or mean about it, I just feel like somethings missing from the story.

Guestte 8 years ago

They've posted the wrong picture! If you google, you'll find the beautiful one that went viral. It is really moving, picturing a sick child and the mother on the beach. What's at the top of the page is a commercial posed stock photo - very boring!!!! : )

Rush 8 years ago

Ah, thank you, I thought maybe i was just turning into a grumpy old cow!!