true crime

Woman whose baby was cut from her and killed remembers her little girl.


Trigger warning: This post contains very graphic details and may be alarming to some readers.

Michelle Wilkins had her baby girl mercilessly taken from her early in 2015.

At seven months pregnant, Wilkins was attacked by a woman named Dynel Lane, after she met her regarding baby clothes that Lane was alleging selling.

As Wilkins attempted to leave Lane’s house, she grabbed her in the basement, hit her in the with a lava lamp, then stabbed her with broken glass and knives.

Lane slit Wilkins open, took the foetus, and then left her alone in a bath.

The vicious attack caused the baby’s death, but Wilkins somehow survived.

Dynel Lane.

Despite enduring something of horror films and then the court case, which saw Lane sentenced to 100 years in jail, Wilkins has bravely spoken out.

"There's no answer to the question, why does somebody do this," the now 27-year-old told the Mirror.

The first time Wilkins met her baby was two days after the attack, lying in hospital.

"It shouldn't be anyone's first moments with their daughter - holding, dressing and singing to a cold body.

"Those were the only moments with my daughter, so I treasure them. But it was so very sad."

The little girl's name was Aurora, a name Wilkins and the baby's father, Dan, picked early on in the pregnancy.

"We picked the name quickly. Aurora means 'new dawn'.

"She really represented that to us. We had a nursery set up, had a baby shower. I had all the clothes she needed for a year."

Speaking about the attack, Wilkins remembers only fragments of the ambush.

"I remember thinking, 'I have to survive for Aurora'," she told the Mirror.

"But then everything went black and the next I knew, I woke up on the floor.

"I tried to stand but I couldn't feel my legs, I fell forwards. Then I became aware I could feel my insides through my pants - I could feel the blood seeping out.

"When I felt my intestines through my stomach, I hoped that was Aurora, that it wasn't my gut."

Wilkins says that she doesn't even hate Lane, but tries to feel compassion for her, who was suffering from the death of her own baby at the time.

She has been told she can have more children, but she is still grieving for losing little Aurora.

Featured image via Longmont Times-Call Youtube

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