
"My son has the type of autism no one talks about."

Because of my need to isolate my son, I isolated myself too.

Like most parents of children with autism, I have been reading about the family in California who is being sued by several families in their neighbourhood. The lawsuit contends that their child is a public nuisance because of his behaviour, which his parents failed to fix.

One of the plaintiffs in this case stated: “This is not about autism. This is about public safety.”

But he is wrong. This is absolutely about autism. It’s just not about the autism people hear about.

The media shows us all of the feel-good stories, like the child with autism who gets to be the manager of the high school basketball team, or the boy with autism who goes to the prom with the beautiful girl, or the girl with autism who is voted onto the homecoming court. We light it up blue every April and pat ourselves on the back for being so aware.

But we aren’t aware.

Because for every boy with autism who manages his high school basketball team, there are 20 boys with autism who smear faeces. And for every girl with autism who gets to be on the homecoming court, there are 30 girls with autism who pull out their hair and bite their arms until they bleed. And for every boy with autism who gets to go the prom, there are 50 boys with autism who hit and kick and bite and hurt other people.

This is the autism that no one talks about. This is the autism that no one wants to see.

We aren’t aware.

One of the plaintiffs said: “We’re not upset about him being autistic. We are concerned and upset about his violence [toward] our children.”

Autism and behaviours go hand-in-hand. Why? The behaviours are communication. Individuals with autism often can’t communicate in a way that typically functioning people can understand. So they do things to get their needs met. And often the things they do are scary and violent.

We aren’t aware.

My son, who is the same age as the child in this story, was extremely aggressive when he was younger. He did all of the things that the child involved in this lawsuit did. My son ran after other children on the playground just to push them down. He hit. He kicked. He bit. He pulled hair. And I never knew what was coming. For the longest time, I would flinch when he ran up to me…I didn’t know whether he was going to hug me or hit me. Can you imagine, as a mom, what that’s like? To flinch when your child runs to you?

We aren’t aware.

Because I didn’t know what my son was going to do to other children, we stopped going to the park. We stopped going to the Mummy and Me class at the library. We started going to the grocery store at 6am when most people weren’t around. He didn’t go to daycare but had a sitter at home so he wouldn’t be around other kids. I essentially isolated him in order to keep other people safe. Can you imagine what it’s like to be a mum and not be able to take your child to the park? Or have your child attend birthday parties? Or have play dates?

We aren’t aware.


Because of my need to isolate my son, I also isolated myself. I watched from my window as other mums in the neighbourhood sat in their camp chairs and chatted while their children played. I couldn’t join them because my son couldn’t be around the other kids. Once a mum asked if my son could come to their house and play with her son. Can you imagine what it was like to feel so excited and then feel so ashamed when, after explaining my son’s issues to her so she would be aware, that invitation was rescinded?

We aren’t aware. Not at all.

But we can be. We can open our eyes and understand that autism isn’t all about the high functioning child who is “quirky” but OK to be around. Autism isn’t all about the six-year-old who can play Piano Man better than Billy Joel. Autism can be hard. Autism can be sad. Autism can be messy. Autism can be violent. Autism can be isolating.

Once we become really aware, lawsuits like this won’t happen. Why? Because instead of putting blue lights on our front porches, we will go outside with our kids and we will help them play together… typically functioning kids and kids with autism. We will get to know our neighbours and we will embrace the children with behaviours and embrace their parents along with them.

We will learn what things trigger our child’s classmate who has autism so that we can help the children interact while avoiding things that will cause aggression. We will be a true village, including those who can model appropriate behaviours and those who are trying so hard to learn them. We will work on teaching our children not to hit and how to avoid being hit.

The parents involved in this lawsuit, on both sides, need to do more. More education, more understanding, more inclusion and more involvement.

Now tell me, is autism the real public nuisance?

We can become aware…if we really want to.

This post was originally published on The Huffington Post and has been republished her with full permission. 

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Top Comments

Kimbo 5 years ago

I can't imagine this heartache, stress and pain that would come with being a parent of a child with special needs, who is violent, my heart goes out to all parents in that situation.
I can though imagine being the parent of the child who may be attacked in the park or at daycare etc. and I would be horrified and angry if something happened to my child.
Obviously I have no clue what a solution could be, I as a parent want to keep my children safe - that's all I can say.

Skye 7 years ago

Perhaps it's time we admitted that mainstreaming all these children with serious issues wasn't the best idea & we look at schools specifically designed for children who who will never be able to lead a normal life because of their disorder. A school with educators & carers who are trained to recognise early signs of a melt down & stop it before it gets bad. A school full of people who know how to manage special needs children with behavioural problems.