real life

We need to talk about man buns.

There’s an issue of national importance we need to urgently discuss.

It’s a threat to, our personal hygiene, the quality of our sex lives and our reputation as a stylish, sophisticated country, and it’s coming to our shores — fast.

No, it’s not the return of culottes to the high street, it’s not the fact we’re all playing Candy Crush on our iPhones now instead of canoodling before bed, and it’s not the humble Birkenstock.

It’s the man bun, and it needs to be stopped.

Chris Hemsworth. (Photo: Getty Images)

Now, I’m aware David Beckham had been rocking the man bun for some time, and I’ve noticed Jared Leto‘s messy, ombre bun gracing various red carpets over the years.

But I recently glimped a paparazzi photo of Chris Hemsworth in which the classically gorgeous Australian actor sported a teeny, beachy blonde bun at the nape of his neck — and I knew the distressing ‘do had finally migrated to the Southern hemisphere.

What’s more, the man bun is being hailed as the next edgy-but-about-to-become-mainstream trend. I know this because my most hipster friend declared the other day that “the ladies love it!” — and she accurately predicted the rise of the beard, circa 2011, and the rise of the ringmaster moustache, circa 2012, so she knows what’s up.

If this is true — that the ladies love the man bun, and it’s about to become THE HAIRDO of 2015 — let me lay down some #realtalk, ladies. Because I have dated men with man buns in the past and I can tell you, it is not pleasant.


Jared Leto rocks his ombre man bun on the red carpet. (Photo: Getty.)

Let’s face it: a lot of dudes are not overly interested in the personal hygiene thing. The guys I’m close to mostly clip their toenail maybe once every three months, and if you say the words “microbeads” or “coconut oil” in their presence, you’ll be met with a look that suggests you’d just asked them to yodel the theory of relativity, in Latin, to the tune of a David Bowie song.

Thus, keepers of man buns are generally not interested in maintaining the regular treatment/trim/wash/dry routine required to keep hair silken and fragrant.

So ladies, if you harboured some fantasy of running your fingers through some soft, musky, spice-scented golden locks next time you go home with a Christ Hemsworth-lookalike? You can squash that thought right now, because the tragic, stinky, greasy reality is more like a make-out session with Tom Hanks in the latter half of Castaway.

Tom Hanks in Castaway. If they had hair ties on deserted islands, you can bet he’d be donning a man bun too.

Also: there is no such thing as a “formal man bun” (are you listening, Mr Leto?)

Man buns are the follicular equivalent of rolling up to an important event in your unwashed, coffee-stained pyjama pants: They essentially give the finger to the host of the event (and to everyone else who’s squeezed themself into teeny clothes, and had a shave, and groomed to within an inch of their lives to honour the occasion.)

So while some guys who don a man bun may think their devil-may-care attitude to social norms — like trims and hair length and smelling nice — makes a statement, I find that statement is generally: I HAVE AN EGO.



Admittedly, Leo DiCaprio has a man bun and is not exactly repelling the ladies. (Photo: Getty Images)

Those sentiments are all, perhaps, fitting of 20-something-year-old Hollywood actors, or multi-millionaire sporting icons, or rock stars living in Brookyln. But for a regular Aussie guy, headed to work in a suit on a Monday and to a local pub on a Friday and just hoping to score a date with a nice girl?

Not a good look, and not a good move in the style, sex or hygiene stakes.

So, join me in my call to action, friends. It’s time to #StopTheManBun.

What do you think of the man bun? Love it or loathe it?

Tags: men

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Top Comments

Freida 7 years ago

I am a woman who is a licensed hairdresser. I've had all types of boyfriends with all types of hair. Dirty and poorly groomed is a super turnoff - long or short hair.
Also, the beard is gross. Looks like grandpa. I can understand not wanting to shave every day. Get an electric shaver and try to groom yourself every 2 days or so.
Scruffy beard hides your face and scratches my smooth skin. Are you incognito?
Man bun with beard looks like death row inmate who has a real reason to give up.
A bun is something women wear to the gym or laundromat. And it is usually fairly clean and recently trimmed. When she takes it down it is touchable and smells good.
The man bun bearded man looks like he needs a paper cup and should ask for spare change. Usually not washed, brushed or trimmed for quite some time and doesn't smell good.
Gross. You can have him.

RogerT 8 years ago

I hate man buns, they nauseate me, and I don't know anyone that thinks they are attractive. Thanks Mamamia for the article! My fear is that the hairstyle trend is just beginning, which means I'm going to have to suffer for years as Los Angeles hipsters slowly grow out their hair in service of horrific man buns. The hipsters just couldn't stop at the urban-beard, vegan, organic, artisanal, craft-made crap and had to find one more thing to disgust the rest of us.