
These people just demonstrated the worst possible way to welcome new neighbors.

Dear people of the world,

I know we’ve had this discussion before, but apparently it still hasn’t totally caught on:

Anonymous notes are a no-no. Always. No excuses. No exceptions.

If you can’t say something to someone’s face, you shouldn’t say it all. Or, at the very least, you should just bitch about it behind their back like a normal, respectable person.

Who do you think you are?

If you need (yet another) example of why passive-aggressive behaviour always ends in tears for everyone, let the following case act as a cautionary tale.

A local man was angry because a car he didn’t recognise stole his parking spot.

Fair to be pissed off? Yes. Fair to leave a note? No. (See? We’re learning!)

The man decided to leave a note anyway, because he had not read this helpful guide to being a functioning member of society.

"You don't live here," the note read. "Don't f***ing park here!!!"

Note the three exclamation marks, because the local man was very passive and very aggressive.

Unfortunately for the local man in question, he was wrong: the owners of that car did, in fact, live there - they'd just moved in next door.

"Nice to meet you!" They wrote back. "I'm your new neighbour!"

Full marks for a sassy response, neighbour, and an excellent example of the only time it's acceptable to write an anonymous note: when someone else did it first and you want to demonstrate on social media what a loser they are.

The moral of the story? Don't be an anonymous bully, people of the world.

You're so much better than that.

Watch Mamamia's best passive aggressive notes...

Feature image via Imgur. 

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Top Comments

anon 8 years ago

I think if it's done with the right manner then a note is fine. The above is obviously quite aggressive and plain unreasonable!
For eg: I used to live near an adult learning centre & my side of the street was the only place people could park, almost daily I would have people park ACROSS my drive way. Each time I would leave a note pretty much saying "can you please be more mindful when you park, it makes it very difficult to get my car out of the driveway when you block it"
I would note which cars did it & if they did it again I'd report it to the council - what else could I do? I wasn't about to stand there all day waiting for them to arrive at their car!

guest 8 years ago

God forbid you buy a new car and don't warn the neighbour in advance...