
Could this be the most epic neighbour email argument of all time?

Well, that escalated quickly.

David Thorne (quite a famous and often funny blogger on the interwebs – go to his website 27b/6 here) found himself having a bit of trouble with his new neighbours and the verocity of their floodlights.

He left them a note, and the resulting email exchange between them has now gone viral.

We present it to you here, from innocuous start to epic finish:




So, who’s side are you on?

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Top Comments

Lilacwine 10 years ago

His site is absolutely hilarious but I don't know why he doesn't change the names of his tormented victims or use alternative photos, would still be just as funny. Some of people were his former colleagues and he uses their actual names and pictures with his made up exchanges... some of it happens he just embellishes for creative license. Some of the people featured have said they have been suicidal over it and some have had their professional careers or businesses damaged. Seems like he's a bit of a bully; not sure how I feel about him now.

Sal 10 years ago

Totally awesome!!! But the Downs comment was uncool.