
Celeb news: The movie sequel everyone's talking about

Big news for fans of the comedy classic Anchorman – Will Ferrell has officially announced plans for Paramount to produce a sequel to the film, 8 years after the original one was released.

At this stage there aren’t a whole lot of details, but Adam McKay will return to direct and co-write the script with Ferrell. See Will, dressed as Ron Burgundy, make his grand announcement during a surprise appearance on the Conan O’Brien show:

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Top Comments

Natalie S 12 years ago

Can't wait for this movie, the original was hilarious!! Will Ferrell has got to be my favourite comedic actor. He's completely fearless, and is willing to go to any lengths to get the audience laughing. Already giving this movie a thumbs up =)

Bahtiyar 12 years ago

Nov17 I so believe that love shluod be able to be recognised equally. It is completely galling to me that if I ever got married, the ceremony would have to include the words marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman . Why is my love for my partner of the opposite sex so different that the love my gay friends have for each other? My parents have gay friends who have been together for 25 years, I have some straight friends whose marriage didn't last one year! We have long passed the time when marriage was a contract about property protection and heir production. As far as I'm concerned these days marriage is a formal ceremony of commitment between two people who love each other. Why those people shluod be of opposite genders makes no sense at all to me.