
This reporter was tested for breast cancer on live TV. And it was positive.





American news anchor Amy Robach recently underwent a mammogram on air to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Initially reluctant to do the test for ABC’s Good Morning America, Robach was convinced to go through with it by fellow reporter (and recent breast cancer survivor) Robin Roberts, who told her, “If one life is saved because of early detection, it’s all worth it.”

It turned out that the first life Amy Robach saved was her own.

She revealed on television today that the mammogram actually detected breast cancer, and she is scheduled to undergo a double mastectomy this week.

Robach wrote of her diagnosis on ABC’s website: “I thought I was going back in for a few follow-up images, only to find out in a matter of hours that I had breast cancer.”

And then: “The doctors told me bluntly: ‘That mammogram just saved your life.'”

Watch as she reveals her diagnosis here:

Robach has said that she considers herself lucky, as early detection has increased her chances of survival. She is also grateful that her story has the potential to save so many lives.

“I was also told this: for every person who has cancer, at least 15 lives are saved because people around them become vigilant,” she said. “They go to their doctors, they get checked…. I can only hope my story will do the same and inspire every woman who hears it to get a mammogram, to take a self exam. No excuses.”

“It is the difference between life and death.”

To arrange a mammogram, contact BreastScreen Australia on 13 20 50.

Services are free for women aged 50 -74.

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Top Comments

Sticky 10 years ago

There is an excellent commentary on this story here:


skirttheissue 10 years ago

I am not sure why my response to Claire's message below is not being published as I think it's critical that the mis-information she has stated is corrected- themography as a breast screening technique is NOT supported by current evidence or any of the major scientific and academic associations involved with breast cancer research and treatment including The National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre, the TGA and NHMRC:
