
Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Aleesa Hall.

Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Aleesa Hall.

What I love about the whole make-up biz is definitely all the colourful people I’ve met along the way. Sure, there’s your TV folk (I’ve been zhooshing the peeps at Channel 9 for a while and let me tell you – it ALL takes place in the make-up room – that’s the real show), actors and fashion types. But it’s the connection – that little sparky-spark that I have shared with people from all walks of life that really puts a smile on my dial. Swapping stories, having a laugh, and then the icing on the cake: giving great face that compels one to admire herself lovingly in the mirror. That’s a good feeling. Then there’s the products! Will I ever tire of excitingly opening a new hair, make-up or beauty product and immediately slathering it on myself with carefree abandon? Nope! Beauty is quite the adventure…

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