
The best advice a new Dad can get.

A manly heart-to-heart.

Women are bombarded with advice when they’re about to become a parent. Advice on breastfeeding, nappy changing, bottle feeding, and how to handle sleep deprivation. They’re given advice from their mum, grandma, aunty, girlfriends, cousins, colleagues, randoms on the train, that guy on the internet… you get it.

Men, on the other hand, don’t get as much of the juice on how to handle being a first time dad. So Reddit user, Smithhon took to the internet to get some honest advice from fellow fathers.

“This is a very exciting time for my wife and I. I am also very nervous/anxious about being the best parent I can be. What are some of the things that didn’t even cross your mind, and you wished you were better prepared for?”

The swarm of responses that came back were gorgeous and just the advice all new dads need.

We didn’t want Smithhon to keep all the advice to himself so we’re sharing it with you.

The advice is real:

"It can be very rough, it makes you feel totally clueless, and possibly wonder what the heck you were thinking ever having a kid.

Those first weeks can be hell for some people. Lack of sleep, lack of proper meals, lack of energy or free time, etc. It's a bit of a game changer and like bootcamp.Some people say it "doesn't get easier it only gets different" but for me? After the first few weeks/months it sure as hell got a LOT easier. Newborn-Bootcamp is rough, man.

So don't panic or think it'll be forever if you struggle. Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on your brain and body so on top of getting to know this new person and them getting to know you, you're like a walking zombie. It gets better." - jamiejew

"I wish someone would have told me that none of the sh*t people tell you before you have a kid matters. None of it. Nothing can prepare you for the reality that's in store for you. Welcome to a new world. It's gonna be the best ride you've ever been on." - TheInternator

The advice is helpful:

"I'd never changed a diaper in my life, and it didn't take me long to be better at it than my wife (my son is almost 2 and she still forgets to point the penis down) so don't give your SO an excuse. There's a ton of diapers in a day, he can do his share.

Get as much rest as you can. My son had acid reflux so we didn't sleep much in those first months, and basically worked shifts just so someone was able to be conscious if necessary.If you can trust your parents or in-laws get used to letting them take your kid for a night. If you start early you won't get the terrible attachment issues, plus it's a glorious respite... just get rid of your pets. Just because my kid's not up at 6am doesn't mean my dogs stop thinking it's bathroom time." - electromagneticpulse

"Have tons of meals frozen, ready to eat and cook. Anytime anyone says, "let me know if you need any help" respond "you can bring us dinner X weeks after we deliver!"

It can be really overwhelming to deal with a newborn and taking care of yourself takes backseat... Making it really easy to feed yourselves helps a lot.

The advice is simple:

"Don't panic. They will have some gas, and cry." - konungursvia

So to all the dads-(and mums)-to-be, take this advice. It's some of the best, most honest, real and helpful bits of knowledge you'll ever get, from the men who've been there.

Have you got any advice to add?

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"Dear dad, you're doing it all wrong."

"The best bed ever made by the greatest dad."

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