
When was the last time you behaved like this?

Been a bitch lately? Ever? Someone once described to me that PMT is like when you walk down the street and you want to slap perfect strangers across the face. Oh yes.

Check out this commercial – it’s an anti-smoking ad, but I may or may not have * cough * related a wee bit to the way this feels……

Be honest, when was the last time you were a bit of a bitch? Or a bit of a maniacal diva?

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Top Comments

Mimi 12 years ago

haha last night i was a total bitch to my husband got angry at him for not putting his clothes away from the clothesline like i asked him too even when he said he would do it after the gym! that time of the month! poor thing!!! haha cops the brunt of it! hje is good for putting up with a crazy wifey at least 1-2 days every month!

Catherine Devlin 12 years ago

This is great - I feel sorry for my husband for that 3 days of the month, he is a legend for putting up with my PMT!