
This man wants abortion outlawed but can't answer this simple question about women.


This is downright scary.

A state representative from the USA, Jim Buchy, has spent much of his recent time in office trying to outlaw any kind of abortion (with the exception of situations where a woman’s life is at risk, because he’s a generous man…).

A rich old white man trying to control what women can do with their bodies is hardly shocking, but this clip stands out because when asked an incredibly simple question about abortion – a question that you would expect someone trying to develop laws about the subject to know the answer to – Jim Buchy comes up short.

He literally says that he doesn’t know.

It’s shocking.

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Top Comments

guest 10 years ago

It is not a question of "her body, her choice", when the body at risk in abortion decisions is not part of a mother's body. The baby has separate DNA, it is not part of a woman, it is a product of a man and a woman..

Reproductive equality should apply for mothers and fathers. If a father loses his abortion rights after conception then so should the mother. If a mutually consensual act leads to conception, then both mother and father have already made their choices.

Abortion should only be legal if both father and mother agree, or if the mother was deprived of her pre-conception choice because of bona fide rape.

Feminists get so outraged about the idea that women should accept the consequences of their previous decisions, yet they always demand that men should. Why is it so outrageous to "burden" a reluctant mother with 9 months of pregnancy, while it is always OK to burden a reluctant father with 18 years of child support?

Cold 10 years ago

I'd just like to remind everyone of a woman called Savita Halappanavar. She's the Indian woman who died from blood poisoning when she was miscarriage. Developed country. 21st century. A woman dies because she lives in a country where abortion is illegal & the life of a foetus is worth more than the woman who carries it.

That's the future if the anti abortionists get their way.

DearMe 10 years ago

2011 a woman died at the Marie Stopes in Croydon and how many where infected by the crazy abortionist with Hep C, oh another woman died when she bled to death after taking the abortion pill here too! Is this the country you want to live in that kills women and children at the hands of the abortionist! Because thats what the feminazi are fighting for!

cameron 10 years ago

what if a woman is raped? you think she should have to carry and deliver the child that isn't even considered a live being until it has developed? no offence but your an idiot! there are alot of reasons women choose to have abortions, i don't think you are considering all possibilities here ^^^^^

DearMe 10 years ago

Women who are raped account for less than 1% of abortions in Australia (so what is happening to the other 99%). There are women who give birth to children conceived in rape and love and don't see the child for what the father has done. Do 2 wrongs make a right!

You may call me an idiot if you like, but the majority of women (and yes I am generalising) have abortions because they weren't careful…whether you like it to or not THAT is the reality. I speak to GP's on this issue on a daily basis, the number of young women who go in not using contraception is staggering and frightening given that in their 20's already have had multiple partners and don't pro-actively use contraception without a though to STI's much less pregnancy.

And yes the foetus IS alive, at 22 days of conception the heart starts to beat that is one of the definitions of being alive, within 4 weeks of gestation the child has brain waves, another measure of life. By the time the woman finds out she is pregnant, that baby has its own finger prints….So please get your Biology right before saying the child isn't alive! Saying the child is not a life or is a clump of cells or tissue is the biggest lie women get told so they don't have to face the reality of their "choice". At my 12 week scan I told my husband "he has your facial structure he, looks like you" and by God he did!

Laura Palmer 10 years ago

If I require an abortion, I will have one. I don't care what you think. You have no say over my body and my decision to proceed with a pregnancy or not is my own and personal.

If you think that abortion is wrong, then don't have one. But I am entitled to 100% body autonomy and I do not have to use my body for the benefit of someone else against my will.