
7 Foods Believed to be Good Luck. Why Wouldn't You Try Them?

Start the new year off by eating one (or several) of these new year good luck foods! According to many cultures, these good luck foods bring you health, happiness and good fortune in the coming year!


Eating any type of greens from cabbage to broccoli is said to usher in the kind of green you keep in your wallet. So it’s probably wise to take a second helping!

Pomegranate Seeds

Hoping for a baby in 2012? Try snacking on pomegranate seeds. The pomegranate is a symbol of abundance and many Mediterranean countries associate it with fertility.


In many Asian cultures, long noodles symbolise a long life. Just don’t cut them short – it’s better to slurp them whole for good luck.


In Spain, people ring in the new year by quickly eating 12 grapes at midnight, one for each stroke of the clock. The goal is to eat them before the start of the new year.


Many cultures ring in the new year with fish. The Japanese believe fish are a symbol of fertility (because of their ability to produce tons of eggs).

Black-Eyed Peas

Black eyed peas (as well as lentils and other legumes) resemble coins, so people, often in the Southern United States, eat them for a prosperous New Year.


Many cultures put pork at the centre of their festivities because pigs push themselves forward while rooting for food, symbolising progress.


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