
The website helping women achieve an orgasm.

Out of ten, how many women experience pleasure when it has a well-timed, almost musical loop of motion?

According to OMGYes, the answer is: eight.

OMGYes is a website offering women the sexual education they were never given but always wanted.

Over recent weeks, its traffic has skyrocketed after leading lady and feminist advocate Emma Watson came out saying not only does she use OMGYes but she’s a paying subscriber.

“It’s based on research, which is a complete study on female sexuality,” she said.

“I wish it had been around longer.”

The site is laid out in gentle infographics and statistics. You could almost browse from your work desk if it weren’t for the background image of a couple in bed.

But it’s a faded background and you have your phone to check Twitter for work. Right? Right?

The site aims to lift the veil that surrounds female sexuality and pleasure, offering users the chance to understand themselves a little better in a way that says, ‘not just you but us too’.

OMGYes uses interactive ‘touchable’ videos to offer feedback in real-time.

It’s not working for you? Tell it then try something else. Think of it like Tinder for sexuality and swipe left to poor techniques.

OMGYes backs its research credentials with more than 2000 interviews with women about what works for them, how it worked and what happened when they finally reached that ‘aha!’ moment.

The idea of a website that offers women a how-to guide on pleasure-seeking isn’t that new but OMGYes does hit those 2016 feels with interactivity and a ton of quality, heartfelt user experience videos.

It’s worth a click and if it doesn’t work for you, at least you know it doesn’t work for Sue, Kelly and Joan down the road, too.

Here’s another video by ‘Orgasm Goddess’ Layla Martin that helps women achieve climax using both their mind and body.

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