
It took this man 6 months, and $1500, to make a sandwich.


Really? Was it REALLY worth it?

A very hungry American man undertook to make a sandwich from scratch.

Not just ‘I took the bread out of the freezer and into the microwave and onto a plate’ scratch. More ‘I bought a plot of land and grew some wheat, which I harvested, processed, baked into a loaf, sliced, froze, unfroze then put on a plate’ scratch.

The sandwich-maker was so determined not to skip a step, he even pickled his own pickles.

He also murdered a chicken.

The whole process took him six months and cost him a whopping $1500 (that’s in American money, so in these trying economic times that’s more than $2000 for us).

Obviously he needed a whole lot of stuff too — including but not not limited to: A garden, a field, a boat, a cow, the unfortunate chicken … and jars for all the pickles.

(He probably needed a lawyer too, to help him deal with the drug charges he surely got for trying to get his salt through airport security.)

So, was it worth it? I mean, $2000 can buy A LOT of very good sandwiches, probably garnished with gold leaf.

His verdict?

“It’s not bad,” he says after the first bite.

Right. That sounds like a ‘no,’ then.

Watch the journey below and judge for yourself:

I’m sure there’s a lesson to be learned in all of this though, the value of food, something about ethical something something…

BRB, I’m going to grab a sanga from 7-11.

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