
Australia, let us introduce you to the 2016 Bachelor contestants.

OH MY GOD, you guys, what a stellar way to end the working week.

The Bachelor contestants – AKA the women who will be vying for Richie’s heart – AKA the women who will soon populate your Instagram feed promoting detox tea and hair vitamins – have been announced.

This is a big day. A momentous day. I think I need to lie down.

It kinda feels like meeting 22 (yes, 22) of my brand new, super kooky and out-there best friends. I am so freakin’ excited it’s a wonder I haven’t wet my pants yet.

On the latest episode of The Binge, Rosie and Laura discussed how Richie was going to handle being this years bachie…

While Channel 10 haven’t given too much away about the lasses who will scramble over a rose on national TV, we have been given A) a group shot that will make you lean in super close to your screen and probably abuse the zoom function, and B) A list of names with ages and occupations.

And boy is there a mix this year.

The most mature of the bunch is Marja, 34 (a yoga instructor… so very Bacheloresque), and the youngest is 23-year-old makeup artist, Olena.

I'm kinda annoyed we didn't get individual head shots with thousand-word-long bios, but for now this will do.

Without further ado, here's the full list of Bach ladies. Enjoy.

Aimee, 31, Business Development Manager, Victoria
Alex, 24, Venue Manager, Victoria
Eliza, 31, Event Coordinator, NSW
Faith, 26, Hairdresser, Queensland
Georgia, 24, Artist, Victoria
Janey, 27, Children’s Entertainer, Queensland
Keira, 29, Account Manager, NSW
Kiki, 28, Personal Assistant, NSW
Laura, 24, Project Manager, Victoria
Marja, 34, Yoga Instructor, NSW
Mia, 24, Student / Former Athlete, NSW
Megan, 27, Health Promotions Officer, Western Australia
Natalie, 27, Communications Officer, Western Australia
Nikki, 28, Real Estate Agent, Western Australia
Noni, 25, Swimwear Designer, Queensland
Olena, 23, Makeup Artist, NSW
Rachael, 31, Support Worker, Western Australia
Sasha, 31, Executive Assistant, Victoria
Sophie, 28, Customer Support Manager, South Australia
Tiffany, 29, Training Administrator, Western Australia
Tolyna, 31, Personal Trainer, Victoria
Vintaea, 25, Massage Therapist, Queensland

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